From its humble beginnings only having the first 151 Pokemon back in 2016, Pokemon GO now has a decent majority of the more than 1,000 Pokemon in existence today. Still, there is a decent number missing from throughout various generations as early as Gen 4 that should definitely be high on Niantic’s priority list as new updates continue to flow in.
The most recent addition of Gen 9 Pokemon like the starters Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly marks Pokemon GO finally getting close to completely catching up with the main series. Looking at a list of what’s missing, however, it’s clear that the day when every single Pokemon is finally available in the mobile game is still a ways away. There are a number that Niantic will hopefully be adding in the near future.
Phione and Manaphy
Somehow, even with Gen 9 Pokemon now being introduced to Pokemon GO, the game is still missing a handful from Sinnoh. That handful includes one of the strangest Water-type Legendaries and its odd proto-baby form that doesn’t actually evolve, Phione and Manaphy.
The Galar Starters

When Niantic recently announced that it was bringing the Paldea starters into Pokemon GO, the response was mixed excitement and confusion. Excitement for the introduction of Paldea to the game and confusion because for some reason Niantic seemingly decided to skip straight over the Galar region. There are some Galar Pokemon currently present in the game, but it’s actually the most underrepresented region as of right now.
Honedge, Doublade, and Aegislash
A lot of Kalos have made their way into Pokemon GO as of 2023, but the game is still missing one of the strongest Pokemon from the X and Y games, Aegislash. The almost prescient sword and shield Pokemon, along with its earlier forms Honedge and Doublade, will almost certainly be forces to reckon with in the Pokemon GO battle meta when introduced.
Another Kalos Pokemon still not on the mobile platform is the legendary Volcanion. The introduction of Volcanion raids to Pokemon GO would certainly be a big deal, not only because of its unique Water/Fire typing but because it is one of the rarest Pokemon to date. Volcanion has only ever been made available through a small handful of limited-time events in the past, making it extremely hard to come by.
Most of the island-related Alola Pokemon have already been implemented into Pokemon GO, but that sadly does not currently include one of the region’s most interesting gimmicks, Wishiwashi. The little fish that can transform into an intimidating horde would be a very unique addition to the game.
The limited number of new evolutions, regional variants, and bonus Pokemon introduced in Legends: Arceus have mostly not yet been made available in Pokemon GO. That includes Stantler’s new evolution Wyrdeer. It would be great to see Niantic add in conditions to evolve Stantler at some point, but they might take a different path, like how they introduced Kleavor through three-star raids rather than any currently available evolutions for Scyther.
Pokemon GO is also missing its new Legendary, and unique addition to the Gen 5 Forces of Nature, Enamorus. The new Legendary has sadly been trapped within either Legends: Arceus or Pokemon Home as Game Freak and Niantic fail to implement it into any other games.
Applin, Flapple, Appletun, and Dipplin
The recent Teal Mask DLC within Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced a new evolution for the Grass-Dragon type Applin, giving it a family of possibilities that spans multiple generations. Since Niantic has chosen to ignore Galar and has only just begun to implement Paldea, Applin and its evolutions have yet to make an appearance. It’ll be interesting to see how Niantic chooses to go about making Applin evolve since in the games it’s only possible via collecting different variations of apples.
Paldean Wooper and Clodsire
The primary Wooper and its original evolution, Quagsire, have been around in Pokemon GO for a long time. The regional variant of the Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has yet to make an appearance, though. Many players are still catching every Wooper they see in the hopes of having enough candies to acquire a Clodsire the moment it becomes possible within Pokemon GO.

The mascot Legendary for the Teal Mask DLC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Ogerpon, hasn’t been implemented into Pokemon GO just yet for obvious reasons, the DLC is just too new. Still, the Pokemon has received a very warm reception from the fanbase and many will certainly be excited when it is made available in the mobile game.