Whether you’re participating in Noxious Swamp or another questline featuring the same challenge, you’ll need to know what unique Pokemon species are in Pokemon Go. Specifically, the Noxious Swamp Event requires Trainers to “win 2 raids using a team of all unique Pokemon species.” Naturally, all players should be aware of what elemental types are for pocket monsters, like Fire, Ice, or Dragon. However, that is not what “species” is referring to in this event challenge in Pokemon Go.
What Is a Unique Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Unique Pokemon species in Pokemon Go refers to the actual “species” of the pocket monster, not their type. While there are plenty of wikis and online resources to see what species a Pokemon is, we will teach you how to easily see this info in-game. We’ll be using an adorable Wooper we caught as our example.
- First, head to the information screen of your Pokemon by tapping on it in your Storage. This screen will automatically come up after you’ve caught a pocket monster.Â
- Select the triple-bar icon in the bottom-right corner to bring up a navigation screen.Â
- Choose “Pokédex,” which sits at the very top, above “Items.”
- You will then be directed to the dex entry of your chosen Pokemon, where you can check what species it is below its weight and height.Â
In our case, Wooper is classified as the species: Water Fish Pokemon.Â
As you would expect, you can look up the unique species for any Pokemon using the method above in Pokemon Go. Skrelp is a Mock Kelp, Mareanie is a Brutal Star, and the list continues. Accordingly, if you aim to “win 2 raids using a team of all unique Pokemon species” in Noxious Swamp, you must ensure all the party members you pick are not the same species. The good thing is that a team of varying Pokemon should all be of a different species, even if they possess similar types.Â
The only way you would fail this challenge is if you entered a Raid with two or more of the same Pokemon. For instance, perhaps you have two appropriately leveled Mamoswine to take on the Three-Star Turtonator boss. Because both Mamoswine are Twin Tusk Pokemon, progression for the challenge would be rendered invalid. Therefore, just make sure you pick different pocket monsters for two Raids, and you should be good to go!
What Is Turtonator Weakness in Pokemon Go? Answered
For more information and explanation about the Noxious Swamp event in Pokemon Go, here’s a video by Count Jinsula: