A new event arrived at the Pokemon Go! This Detective Pikachu Returns event features exactly 10 Shiny Pokemon along with the Pikachu wearing a detective hat, aka Detective Pikachu. Besides these Shiny Pokemon, you will also have a chance to get 6 more additional Pokemon during this event. Also, this event is a good chance to evolve Pikachu wearing a detective hat into Raichu wearing a detective hat.
When Detective Pikachu Returns Event Starts

The Detective Pikachu Returns event starts on Thursday, October 5, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. and ends on Monday, October 9, 2023 at 20:00 local time. During this time you can catch plenty of special Pokemon, especially Detective Pikachu.
Here are the all Pokemon that will appear in the wild during this Pokemon Go event:
- Detective Pikachu (Shiny)
- Growlithe (Shiny)
- Slowpoke wearing a hat (Shiny)
- Alolan Exeggutor (Shiny)
- Magikarp (Shiny)
- Xatu
- Bellossom
- Lotad (Shiny)
- Chimecho (Shiny)
- Bronzor (Shiny)
- Ducklett
- Cutiefly
- Falinks
Also, remember if you managed to get Detective Pikachu you can evolve it to the Raichu wearing a detective hat. However, you can’t evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro or Slowking.
Field Research Tasks
You also will be able to get different Pokemon types than you will encounter in the wild with the Field Research tasks. You might encounter these Pokemon after you complete your Field Research quests during the Detective Pikachu Returns event.
- Sudowoodo (Shiny)
- Snivy (Shiny)
- Rowlet
You can also get a Collection Challenge by completing Field Research tasks in the Detective Pikachu Returns event in Pokemon Go.
Event Bonuses
- You might encounter Pikachu wearing a detective hat if you take a snapshot. This encounter chance is limited to one per day during the event.
- You will get 2x XP for spinning PokeStops in Pokemon Go during the Detective Pikachu Returns event.
All Tasks & Rewards for Ticket of Treats in Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go is available on iOS and Android.