The great thing about CD Projekt Red is that their DLCs are always on the same high-quality level as their base games. In Phantom Liberty, there are multiple gigs that have unique background stories as well as introducing some locations with complex designs that you must navigate through. One of these gigs is the Prototype in the Scrapper which is one of the most challenging gigs of Dogtown. If you are struggling with completing this gig, then here is a step-by-step guide to finish the quest in both action and stealth ways in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
The Best Approach to Complete Prototype in the Scrapper in Phantom Liberty

Firstly, it is best to leave the Prototype in the Scrapper in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and complete other gigs and side-quests before it if you haven’t already. This is a challenging quest whether you decide to go guns blazing or ninja-style. By completing other gigs, you will get some money to have better cyberware and get a few powerful weapons at your disposal. This is a great quest for both types of player, but if you are an action hero kind of guy, make sure you equip your most powerful weapon.
When you approach the gig and receive a call from Mr. Hands, the market will direct you towards the ground section of this place. Choosing this path will make the quest much more difficult. Instead, if you look at the left side you see an open container and a little platform beneath it. Use that to have the high ground. It doesn’t matter if you choose to kill everyone or have a stealth approach, this is the best entrance.
Avoid the Ground At All Costs

If you want to kill everyone here, take out the first enemy on the platform and head to the right. There you will see a gap that leads to the wall. This is a good advantage point with decent cover to take care of everyone. On the other hand, if you prefer a stealth approach, then you must leave this enemy alone. There is no place to hide the body and enemies will be alerted quickly.
Instead, take a left path. Be aware of the camera and if you have a quick hand hack, turn it off. There will be an enemy in front of you. You can easily jump over the obstacles and take care of them or use the light to distract them and then take them down. There will be a dumpster on the right side that you can use to hide his body.
How To Complete Heaviest of Hearts in Phantom Liberty

What makes this gig challenging is how much enemy is there and how they are placed. If you cannot find a place to hide the body, it is best to avoid killing that enemy. Then you will come across two containers that are connected but have two separate entrances. If there is an enemy inside, use the right entrance to take him down. If there isn’t one, then use the left one and go directly. Depending on how fast you reach this place, the enemy might be there or not.
Then there will be another camera that you should be aware of. Reach the end of this platform and take down the enemy standing on the edge. Jump on the platform in front of you and use the little entrance to reach the building where the prototype is located.
How to Find Hasan in Prototype in the Scrapper in Phantom Liberty

Once you get into the tiny entrance with red lights, there will be two gaps on the floor, one on the right and the other on the left. The best strategy here is to wait until two enemies that are talking get separated, and then jump down using the left gap. There will be three enemies, one in front of you, one on the other side, and one in the middle of the room.
Grab the enemy close to you, but don’t kill it yet. Drag it so no one will see it and then finish him off. There is a turret in the center of the room, either avoid it or hack it if you can. Then take out the enemy in the middle that is standing on a platform. After that, take down the last enemy and use the elevator to go down.

When the elevator doors open, an enemy will be in front of you. Grab and then drag him backward a bit so no one will see you taking him down. On the right side, there will be a door that requires a Techincal Level 16 to open. If you have it, open it and you can pass most of the guards easily. If you don’t then take the left side. Same as before, don’t go down.

When you are walking, there will be a guy sitting and chilling for himself. If you can deactivate the camera and turret in the room, take him out, but if you can’t leave him be. Continue your way on the left side. Distract and take down the enemy. Then another one will appear and stand on the right side. Same as before, distract him with light and then approach him from behind. There is a dumpster to hide the body as well.

In the next part, a huge guy will be standing and there is also a camera. Disable the camera and then distract him with the monitor on the wall. Then turn right and avoid these enemies since there isn’t a way to take them out without the other guy noticing. In the next room, there will again be two enemies. Distract one and then quickly take down the other. You must be fast here so the other enemy won’t turn around before you finish him off. Once you take them out, go down the stairs and you will meet Hasan, the holder of the prototype.
How to Free Hasan and Escape the Building

When you meet Hasan, he will explain why he needed to put the prototype in his eyes. Therefore you have to get him out of there too. To open the door of the cell, you must find the passcode of it. Go back to the floor above you and look for a laptop. Use it and search the email section to learn what is the passcode.

Once you’ve done that, go back and free Hasan. From here on you have to follow Hasan to grab the schematics. In that room will be just one enemy, that you can take down and hide his body in the dumpster. From here, the quest is basically done. All you have to do is cross the bridge that Hasan told you about and wait.

Once you reach safety, Hasan will tell you the truth of why he was abducted. The choice you make here doesn’t affect the reward of the gig. It’s more of a question of morality than anything else. The best situation here is to call Mr. Hands and then ask him for a favor. He will arrange a ripper doc which will take the implant from Hasan’s eye and set him free and only deliver the prototype.

Phantom Liberty is now available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.