You Know My Name is one of the main missions in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. It combines stealth and information gathering, which require different approaches for combat-based players. It’s not the easiest quest to complete if you don’t have several backup saves or lots of patience. Fortunately, there are patterns you can pick up and, with some guidance, you won’t have to repeat the quest. Here’s a guide that shows how to complete You Know My Name in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
Starting You Know My Name in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Head to the tunnels marked by your quest objective, go down the stairs and force open the door under some scaffolding. Follow the path to the end where you will reach some water. Go to your inventory and equip the Tactical Diving Suit you received. This allows you to safely enter the water without taking damage.
Swim through the only path available, disarming any traps that you come across. Reach a grate at the end and swim through it after the scene. It leads to another path which leads to a small storage area where you can stand. Move around the back of the storage room to find another underwater path.
Search for a small gap at the bottom to swim through which leads to a shutter you must open. You enter a room with a panel and a car platform. Jump up near the walkway leading to the panel to leave the water. Alternatively, there’s a ladder leading to the panel that requires a short dive. Activate the panel to lower a car platform, then swim and climb up to reach another panel.
The second panel lowers another platform which lets you reach a vent you can crawl through. Follow the path that leads to a few ladders you must climb up. At the top, Reed will ask you to neutralize the guards quietly. You can fight the guards head-on, but this gets a negative reaction from Reed.
Using Stealth in You Know My Name

If you have a Technical Ability of 15, you can use the nearby exit door to take out the first guard quietly. Otherwise, drop down and quickly move towards the stairs to avoid alerting the second guard on the lower level. Once the first guard is taken out, wait and take out the second guard without the risk of being caught. After both guards are down, put their bodies in the dumpster on the lower level. Head up the stairs to the computer and use it to find Reed.
Switch to the fourth camera from the left to find Reed. After he asks you to open the gate, look to your right and use a quick hacking mini-game. This opens the gate for Reed if you get one success. Before leaving the computer, turn off the surveillance system in the Local Network tab.
Three guards will appear on the lower level, take them out before using the elevator. Use the Her Majesty weapon whose silenced headshots can take out the guards without letting you get caught. Take the elevator to the maintenance area when you are done.
Helping Reed in Cyberpunk 2077

When you arrive at the maintenance area, follow the path to the end to find a sniper. Approach them for a command to neutralize them; you don’t need to waste bullets or sneak behind them. You will spot Reed from your position and can signal upcoming threats to him. Scan the threats to point them out to Reed. The three threats are:
- A mine near Reed’s position.
- A security camera west of Reed.
- Three guards west of the camera.
While not necessary, you also want to pay attention to:
- The main elevator in the center
- A sniper walking around in the northwest
Keep turning all the way west until you can scan a container bridge that can create a path. That will be enough for Reed to start moving. Remind him of the mine and point out guards moving on the bottom level to Reed. Don’t shoot them as they pass by without noticing. When Reed can’t get past the laser door, scan the wires near the power box as they move upwards. They lead to a generator which you can shoot at to shut the power off.
When Reed encounters the next two guards, he will take out the guard leaning on the pillar. You have a few seconds after that to shoot the guard sitting on the table. Alternatively, you can scan below the guards to find an alternative path for Reed. The alternative path has the guard leaning over the railing and he will see Reed unless you zoom in. Shoot the AC unit behind him as a distraction.
How To Complete Birds With Broken Wings in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Watch the main elevator and zoom in to focus on the guards. Reed will point out a sniper in the northwest; shoot them quickly to stay hidden. After some movement, Reed needs you to tag a guard through the camera. Switch to the middle camera to spot the guard. Tag them and shoot them through the wall or distract them by messing with the nearby speaker.
As Reed continues, two soldiers will appear on patrol. Point them out to Reed, then take them both out quickly. If they continue, Reed gets caught. After they are both down, Reed will continue on successfully and you gain the Rasetsu Iconic Sniper Rifle. Join Reed when the nearby elevator opens up.
Finding Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077: You Know My Name

There’s no stealth or combat in this section. Head to the Laundry Room at the top of the tower, then take the Stylish Suit from Reed’s bag. Put it on in your inventory and head to the party. You can meet Reed by the bar right away, but you can also scan the guests to find important VIPs. Mr. Hands is on the upper level, and he will comment on your infiltration attempt.
Talk to Reed and walk around, talking to guests if you like. You eventually receive a text from Songbird telling you her location. She will be on the mezzanine which is the second level, with the quest marker pointing her out. Head to her location and talk to her. When Hansen shows up, shake his hand to lower suspicion. After the conversation, pick up the nearby champagne glass.
Head downstairs to find Reed at the bar. Your goal is to get personality imprints from twin netrunners at the roulette table. This can be the hardest part of You Know My Name in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Head to the counter to get your chips then approach the table.
Correct Personality Responses Guide for You Know My Name

Getting both the twins’ personalities responses requires at least 80% to pass. You must answer in certain ways to get their personality. The colors you bet on during the match get random results, but you always want the correct phrases:
- Join the game and bet on a color
- Ask how it’s going
- Buy drinks for Aurore
- When offered drinks, answer “Same as the lady”
- Place bets on a color of your choice
- Answer “Conscience ain’t spotless, that’s sure”
- Bet on Black: “Didn’t mean to break your flow”
- Bet on Black: “You’re unique, stick out from the crowd”
- Place bets on a color of your choice
- Scan both Aurore and Aymere
- Psychoanalysis – a hobby of yours?
- Can’t say I know him all that well
- Place bets on a color of your choice
- Charmin’ little show
- Place bets on a color of your choice
- Owning Dogtown’s one helluva bargaining tool
- Bet on Red: Can tell you got somethin’ on the tip of your tongue
- Have a taste for risk?
- All or nothin’ – whaddaya say?
- I’m a thief
- Place bets on a color of your choice
Winning or losing money doesn’t affect your mission or any endings, but remembering the outcome is useful later. Speak to Kurt and cash out your winnings at the casino if you won anything. Leave the party and speak with Reed to complete the quest.