Every Perk tree in Cyberpunk 2077 has seen substantial reworks, but the 2.0 update arguably changed the Technical Ability tree more than any other. The game’s entire approach to cyberware transformed with the release of 2.0, and the Phantom Liberty DLC doubles down on these changes. The new system is more intuitive, balanced, and interesting. It also makes each of your choices more impactful. With so many Perks to choose from and so many interacting systems to consider, picking the right Perks for your build can be a challenge. Here are the best Technical Ability Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, ranked from the great to the indispensable.
6. All Things Cyber

Some of the best Technical Ability Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 add entirely new mechanics. Others are more modest in their offerings. Just because a Perk offers something milder doesn’t mean it’s bad, however. All Things Cyber is a great example of that. The first level of their Perk grants you a +10% buff to all cyberware stat modifiers. Level 2 decreases the Cyberware Capacity cost in the Integumentary System and Skeleton by -20%. While neither of these will dramatically transform your gameplay, they both offer substantial buffs that will help almost everything you do. Given how great some of the new cyberware is, anything that decreases Capacity costs and allows you to install more is welcome, whether you’re a netrunner or an assassin.
5. License To Chrome

License to Chrome is a three-level Perk, and its first level is identical to the first level of All Things Cyber. Level 2 grants +40 Armor, a simple but meaningful but that will make getting out of tough gunfights alive much easier. The most valuable benefit comes a Level 3, which unlocks a new cyberware slot for the Skeleton. It’s hard to overstate how helpful additional cyberware slots are. No matter what you add, it’s going to provide a substantial benefit. Slotting the right item in the right place can make or break a build. Skeleton slots have some great cyberware to choose from, so if you’re leaning into the Technical Ability tree, License to Chrome is an easy pick.
4. Health Freak

In past versions of Cyberpunk, Health Items and grenades were consumables that were lost with use. In the 2.0 update, you have an infinite supply of these items, and they go on cooldown after each use. Level 1 of Health Freak grants +8% recharge speed for Health Items and grenades. Cooldowns for these items aren’t long by default, but reducing them further feels both comfy and powerful. Level 2 adds a charge to your Health Item, allowing you to use it an additional time before it’s depleted. It also provides a massive +150% recharge speed buff for Health Items outside of combat. If you make you’re running a Mantis Blades build or make a habit of quickly transitioning from one fight to the next, that’s a fantastic change. For quick recharges, Health Freak is one of the best Technical Ability Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0.
3. Bolt

Bolt is much more complex than the average Perk, though its complexity doesn’t reveal itself until Level 3. Level 1 grants +20% charge speed for Tech weapons. Level 2 grants +15% damage for charged shots with Tech weapons. The third level, meanwhile, unlocks Bolt shots. To fire a Bolt you must release a charged shot right before it fully charges. A Bolt counts as a fully charged shot, does +30% damage, and has a -50% penalty for penetrating cover. To state the obvious, this makes Tech weapons far better. Even full-auto Tech weapons are capable of firing Bolt shots. Tech weapons work beautifully with the Technical Ability tree, so if you’re already using this weapon type, Bolt is an easy pick.
2. Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning upgrades Bolt in two significant ways. First, it causes Bolt to deal Electrical damage, which is particularly effective against certain enemy types. Second, it releases an electric arc that can electrocute up to three nearby enemies. Given that some enemies are naturally resilient to Electrical damage, Chain Lightning isn’t effective against every opponent. That said, Bolt obliterates vulnerable enemies when you have this Perk. Even against enemies with no special weakness to Electrical damage, Chain Lightning is effective due to its ability to spread your shots to multiple enemies. DPS options for Technical Ability are somewhat lacking compared to Reflexes, so it’s nice to have a strong option in this category.
1. Ticking Time Bomb

Ticking Time Bomb is one of the most fun and stylish Technical Ability Perks, and it also happens to be one of the most powerful. This Perk charges an AoE EMP attack that hits enemies after 3 seconds whenever you activate Operating System cyberware or Overclock mode. The cooldowns for those powers aren’t long, meaning you can trigger Ticking Time Bomb every minute or so. The EMP applies Stun and deals damage proportionate to the quantity and Tier of cyberware implants you have installed. The more heavily augmented you are, the more effective Ticking Time Bomb will be. As if that weren’t enough, this Perk also reduces incoming damage by -50% while you’re charging the EMP. If you want one of the best Technical Ability Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, look no further.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.