To say that Cyberpunk Edgerunners was a success would be a massive understatement, as the anime managed to reinvigorate love for the role-playing game entirely. But with so many new fans picking up the game, most wanted to relive their experience with the anime. As such, learning how to build Rebecca from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077, or even Lucy, grew in popularity. So, without further ado, here’s how to make a viable build.
How to Recreate Rebecca From Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077

Rebecca quickly rose in popularity to become a fan-favorite in Cyberpunk Edgerunners. She’s a bubbly, maniacal individual who enjoys whipping out her iconic shotgun at a moment’s notice. As such, when it comes to building Rebecca in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s not too difficult to capture her essence.
Rebecca Character Creation

While certainly not a perfect recreation due to the limitations of the character creator itself, this is a close approximation of Rebecca from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077. To achieve this look, you’ll want to select the following options in the character creator:
- Voice: Feminine
- Skin: 04
- Hairstyle: 43
- Eyes: 05
- Eyebrows: 02
- Nose: 05
- Mouth: 06
- Jaw: 14
- Ear: 20
- Cyberware: 02
- Facial Scars: Off
- Facial Tattoos: Off
- Piercing: Off
- Eye Makeup: 06
- Lip Makeup: 09
- Cheek Makeup: 09
- Nails: Short
- Body Tattoos: 03
- Body Scars: Off
While Rebecca does have a neck tattoo, the closest in-game is 06. It’s a bit off and, personally, I felt she looked better without it.
Best Lifepath for Rebecca
While the lifepath doesn’t alter too much in terms of gameplay, it does offer flavor when it comes to role-playing. And, of course, building a character from the anime in Cyberpunk 2077 is all about role-play.
As such, we recommend opting for Streetkid. It’s the closest to Rebecca’s personality and demeanor. Plus, the dialogue matches up a bit better with her persona than, say, Nomad.
Best Weapons for a Rebecca Build
When selecting the appropriate equipment for Rebecca, remember that she adores shotguns and moves fast.
As such, when choosing firepower, Rebecca’s shotgun is the obvious choice. She uses GUTS, a tier 2 iconic weapon capable of dealing severe close-range damage. Seriously, you can deal approximately 142 damage with a direct hit with an +85% headshot damage multiplier and +75% armor penetration. It’s a monster of a weapon!
If you cannot get your hands on GUTS, a few other options include:
- Crusher: A Power Shotgun of Epic rarity found via Eurallo Alma, a Cyberpsycho in Night City. It’s quite the fight, but well worth the trouble.
- M-76e Omaha: A Tech Pistol available for purchase from the Japantown Vendor.
- TKI-20 Shingen: A Smart Submachine Gun sold by the Downtown Vendor.
You’ll note that all of these recommended weapons are of legendary rating or higher because, again, this is a mid- to late-game build.
Lastly, we have clothing options. You can wear whatever you want to suit your Rebecca build in Cyberpunk 2077. The game does not, unfortunately, have her outfit available right now. The closest available in-game would be Nanoweave Shorts and Armorweave Rocker Bra paired with a jacket and shoes/boots of your choosing.
Best Cyberware for Rebecca
For cyberware, opt for movement buffs and close-range damage-dealing options. There are countless excellent cyberware options spread across Night City. For Rebecca, we recommend tracking down the following:
- Heal On Kill: A Frontal Cortex cyberware sold by Cassius Ryder (Northside) for 28,000 eddies. It restores a percentage of health upon killing an enemy. You can find a lower tier for sale from Robert Rainwater in Kabuki. But the Tier 5 variant from Cassius provides greater healing, up to 10% health regeneration, for each kill.
- Second Heart: Find the Ripperdoc in Wellsprings and prepare to fork over 33,600 eddies for this Circulatory System cyberware. Second Heart, like Heal On Kill, provides additional healing regeneration. The difference here is that Second Heart instantly restores 100% of your max health when you hit 0.
- Maneuvering System: A Nervous System cyberware, Maneuvering System is available for purchase for 2,000 eddies from the Ripperdoc in Arroyo. Once equipped, it allows you to dodge in midair and remain active and fluid during combat.
- Kerenzikov: Another Nervous System cyberware, Kerenzikov, at its highest tier, will allow you to aim while sliding or dodging and also slows down time by 90% for 3.5 seconds. You can buy this cyberware at the Ripperdoc in Arroyo for 28,000 eddies.
- Subdermal Armor: An Integumentary System cyberware, Subdermal Armor provides up to 300 additional armor at its highest tier. For that, you’ll have to track down Robert Rainwater in Kanuki and pay 11,200 eddies.
Best Attributes and Perks for Rebecca

Remember that this is a late-game build when building your Rebecca in Cyberpunk 2077. To acquire the appropriate skills and attribute levels, you’ll need to hit almost level 50.
Regarding attributes, we tend to focus on Body, Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool. First and foremost, concentrate on Body. It offers increased shotgun damage and survivability. You want to focus on Annihilation. Reflexes increase the damage for other weaponry but decrease load times, which is a massive plus when wielding slow weapons like shotguns or revolvers.
To start your Rebecca build, we recommend allocating points in the following way:
- Body: 10
- Reflexes: 3
- Technical Ability: 4
- Cool: 3
- Intelligence: 5
As you progress and reach approximately level 50, your attributes should look like this:
- Body: 18
- Reflexes: 16
- Technical Ability: 20
- Cool: 8
- Intelligence: 5
From there, allocate attribute points anywhere you like.
As for perks, the majority will stem from Body and Reflex. We recommend:
- Body Perks
- Multitasker: You can shoot while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting.
- Die! Die! Die!: When stamina drops too slow, enjoy 15% less recoil when using a shotgun.
- Bullet Ballet: While moving, your weapon bullet spread reduces by 25%.
- Like a Feather: When using a shotgun, suffer zero movement penalties.
- Rip and Tear: After hitting an enemy with a shotgun, a follow-up quick melee strike deals 100% more damage. After the melee attack, your next shotgun hit deals 100% more damage.
- Painkiller: While in combat, your health slowly regenerates.
- Comeback Kid: Increases health regen by 1% for every health point missing.
- Speed Junkie: Increases health regen while sprinting.
- Army of One: Increases health regen by 10% for every enemy in close proximity.
- Adrenaline Rush: Increases overall health by 35 points. Level 2 increases health regen, and level 3 unlocks Adrenaline Rush, which provides a temp health boost.
- Calm Mind: When Adrenaline Rush activates, you have a 3-second delay before temp hit points decay.
- Reflex Perks
- Executioner: Damage dealt to enemies with more than 50% health increases damage by 25% when using Assault Rifles, Precision Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Submachine Guns.
- Slippery: The faster you sprint, the more difficult it is for enemies to hit you.
- Muscle Memory: You’ll now be able to reload while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting over cover.
- Power Slide: Your slide distance is greatly increased.
- Feel the Flow: Reduces the overall reload time of Assault Rifles and Submachine Guns by 10% per perk level.
- Shoot, Reload, Repeat: Upon killing an enemy with an Assault Rifle, Precision Rifle, Sniper Rifle, or Submachine Gun, enjoy reduced reload time by 20% per level for 5 seconds.
- Cool Perks
- Assassin: Increases damage dealt to humans by 15%.
- From the Shadows: Increase Crit Chance by 10% per perk level for 7 seconds upon entering combat encounters.
- Technical Ability Perks
- Grease Monkey: Allows crafting of Tier 4 Crafting Specs.
- Edgerunner Artisan: Unlocks crafting of Tier 5 Crafting Specs.
While this is not an exhaustive list of possible perks, these are recommended. You may wish to customize the build to suit your playstyle. That’s how you build Rebecca from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077.
Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty is available now on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.