Recruiting Companions in Starfield is extremely important in your journey of discovering every nook and cranny of the Milky Way. Not just lending a hand in combat, Companions can help you maintain Outposts or give additional gameplay bonuses. Below we will list all 20 Companions that you can recruit in Starfield and their Skills.
Table of contents:
- Marika Boros
- Andromeda Keppler
- Barrett
- Dani Garcia
- Adoring Fan
- Gideon Aker
- Heller
- Jessamine Griffin
- Lin
- Andreja
- Mickey Caviar
- Moara Otero
- Vasco
- Omari Hassan
- Rafael Aguerro
- Rosie Tannehill
- Sarah Morgan
- Sam Coe
- Simeon Bankowski
- Sophia Grace
Starfield: All Unlockable Companions, Their Skills, and Where to Recruit Them

Note: Aside from 20 unique Companions below, you can also recruit nameless Crews. These NPCs will offer higher Skill levels for specialized tasks. Usually, they can be found around bars like New Atlantis’s The Viewport (Alpha Centauri), Cydonia’s The Broken Spear (Sol), and Neon’s Astral Lounge (Volii).
Marika Boros: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Her in Starfield
- Skills:
- Ballistics: Rank 2
- Particle Beam Weapon Systems: Rank 1
- Shotgun Certification: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
Give The Viewport on New Atlantis, Jemison in the Alpha Centauri System a visit to recruit her for free. You cannot romance Marika.
Andromeda Keppler
- Skills:
- Outpost Engineering: Rank 2
- Piloting: Rank 1
- Aneutronic Fusion: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
You can find Andromeda at The Broken Spear on Cydonia/Mars in the Sol System. To recruit her, you’ll have to pay her and she cannot be romanced.
Barrett: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Him in Starfield
- Skills:
- Starship Engineering: Rank 4
- Particle Beam Weapon Systems: Rank 3
- Robotics: Rank 2
- Gastronomy: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Constellation
A well-rounded Companion, Barret can be recruited at New Atlantis, Jemison in the Alpha Centauri System free of charge. You’ll meet him during the “Back to Vectera” mission. Barrett is one of the game’s romance options.
Dani Garcia: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Her in Starfield
- Skills:
- Robotics: Rank 2
- Chemistry: Rank 1
- Energy Weapon Systems: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
Dani can be found hanging around Euphorika, Neon, Volii Alpha in the Volii Star System. To hire her, you have to help her out with a quest and pay her for her service. She cannot be romanced.

Adoring Fan
- Skills:
- Weight Lifting: Rank 2
- Concealment: Rank 1
- Scavenging: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
To recruit Adoring Fan, pick the Adoring Fan Trait in character creation. Then reach New Atlantis in Jemison, Alpha Centauri, and he will come running at you begging you to join. You can recruit this Starfield Companions for free.
Gideon Aker
- Skills:
- Ballistic Weapon Systems: Rank 2
- Missile Weapon Systems: Rank 2
- Affiliation: None
Head to The Viewport, New Atlantis, in Jemison at the Alpha Centauri System and you should spot Gideon. It will set you back 18,000 Credits to recruit him, but with a bit of Persuasion, you can lower his asking price. Gideon cannot be romanced.
- Skills:
- Outpost Engineering: Rank 3
- Geology: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
Another Argos Company miner, just like you used to be. Get to “The Empty Nest” mission and go back to Vectera to make him appear. He can be recruited for free, cannot be romanced, and doesn’t have many skills. But Heller can be a decent asset for an Outpost.
Jessamine Griffin: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Her in Starfield
- Skills:
- Ballistics Weapon Systems: Rank 2
- Concealment: Rank 1
- Theft: Rank 1
- Affiliation: The Crimson Fleet
A sneaky mercenary, she can be found at Last Nova, The Key in the Kryx Star System. Be careful when heading there though because it is The Crimson Fleet’s territory. Meeting her during the “Deep Cover” side quest can make things easier since they won’t be hostile. Jessamine isn’t a romanceable character.

- Skills:
- Stealth: Rank 4
- Particle Beams: Rank 3
- Energy Weapons Systems: Rank 2
- Theft: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Constellation
During the “Into the Unknown” mission, you’ll meet Andreja at one of the mission’s objectives. Andreja doesn’t have to be paid to be recruited and can be romanced.
- Skills:
- Outpost Management: Rank 2
- Demolition: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
She was your boss when you were still working as a miner at Argos Company. Start the “The Empty Nest” mission and go back to Vectera to meet and recruit her. She is not romanceable.
Mickey Caviar
- Skills:
- Wellness: Rank 2
- Gastronomy: Rank 1
- Incapacitation: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
A cook looking for a new job. For 13,500 Credits, you can recruit him at The Astral Lounge, Neon, Volii Alpha in the Volii Star System. He is not romanceable.
Moara Otero
- Skills:
- EM Weapon System: Rank 2
- Markmanship: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
During the main mission quests, you’ll eventually meet him at The Broken Spear, in Cydonia/Mars, in the Sol Star System. He will then join your party as a thank-you for helping him out. You cannot romance Moara.

- Skills:
- Shield Systems: Rank 2
- Aneutronic Fusion: Rank 1
- Aneutronic Fusion: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Constellation
Vasco will instantly become a Companion after you’ve completed the “One Small Step” main mission. It is a robot so obviously you cannot romance it. But I’m not judging if you’re into something like that.
Omari Hassan: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Him in Starfield
- Skills:
- Shield System: Rank 2
- Starship Engineering: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Freestar Collective
Head to The Hitching Post on Akila in the Cheyenne System. Omari will join your crew for 13,500 Credits. You cannot romance him.
Rafael Aguerro
- Skills:
- Starship Engineering: Rank 2
- Outpost Engineering: Rank 1
- Outpost Management: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Freestar Collective
He can be found at Nishina Research Lab on Freya III in the Freya Star System. Then complete the “Entangled” main quest and save Rafael’s reality to unlock him as a Companion. He cannot be romanced.
Rosie Tannehill
- Skills:
- Wellness: Rank 2
- Medicine: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Freestar Collective
Just like Omari, Rosie also hangs around The Hitching Post on Akila in the Cheyenne System. At an 18,000 Credits recruitment fee, she is equipped with health-related skills. You cannot romance her.

Sarah Morgan: All Companions Skills and Where to Find Her in Starfield
- Skills:
- Astrodynamics: Rank 4
- Lasers: Rank 3
- Leadership: Rank 2
- Botany: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Constellation
The leader of the rag-tag group of explorers and researchers, the Constellation. Meet her at New Atlantis on Jemison in the Alpha Centauri System and start “The Old Neighborhood” main quest. Sarah is one of the romance options that you can pursue in the game. She also has the ability to grav-jump when she’s piloting your Ship.
Sam Coe
- Skills:
- Piloting: Rank 4
- Rifle Certification: Rank 3
- Payloads: Rank 2
- Geology: Rank 1
- Affiliation: Constellation
A very capable pilot of the Constellation. Head over to The Hitching Post on Akila in the Cheyenne System to recruit this Starfield Companions free of charge. Sam is one of the romance options available in the game.
Simeon Bankowski
- Skills:
- Sniper Certification: Rank 23
- Marksmanship: Rank 1
- Sharpshooting: Rank 1
- Affiliation: None
Like Gideon, Simeon cannot be romanced and hangs around The Viewport, New Atlantis, in Jemison at the Alpha Centauri System. He’ll ask you for 15,000 Credits if you want to borrow his sniping skills.
Sophia Grace
- Skills:
- Stealth: Rank 3
- Lasers: Rank 1
- Affiliation: The Disciples
Visit Madame Sauvage’s Place at Neon on Volii Alpha in the Volii Star System to meet her. To recruit Sophia, you have to pay her and she cannot be romanced.
Starfield Ship Power Allocation System Explained: What Each System Does
Starfield is now available as Early Access for PC and Xbox Series X|S and will be released fully on September 6.