For spear-wielding warriors, The Catch stands high above many others. It’s a 4-star polearm in Genshin Impact that increases Elemental Burst DMG. Accordingly, Raiden Shogun, Xiangling, and Yun Jun are just a few who benefit well from it. It isn’t necessary to Wish for it, but you will do plenty of fishing. You’ll need specific fish from various fishing spots to access The Catch in Genshin Impact. It can take time and effort, so we’ll give you a hand by going over what fish you need and where to go for them.
The Catch Location in Genshin Impact
If you want The Catch in Genshin Impact, you can only get it from one location: the Inazuma Fishing Association. You buy items from these NPCs by exchanging certain fish. For The Catch, head to Inazuma City and find the NPC Kujirai Momiji. You’ll only find the shop after you complete the “Exploding Population” quest. Check the location on the map below:

Before you head there, know that you’ll need the following fish to trade Kujirai for The Catch in Genshin Impact:
- 6 Raimei Angelfish
- 20 Golden Koi
- 20 Rusty Koi
Best Lumitoile Farming Routes in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Fishing Spots for The Catch
With how many fish you need for The Catch, you’d best prepare for some farming. You’re limited in how many fish you catch in one spot. Respawning generally takes about 72 hours in real time.
Of course, if you have willing friends, you can ask to visit some of their worlds and fish there. It’s a far more effective way to farm the various fishing spots to help you get The Catch sooner.
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If you can’t visit anyone else’s world, you can always bring Thoma with you to fish. His Passive Talent, “Snap and Swing,” will give you a 20% chance to make a double catch.
Now, let’s focus on these fishing spots for The Catch in Genshin Impact. Some fish spawn in multiple locations, while others only spawn during certain times.
Where To Catch Raimei Angelfish in Genshin Impact
Location: Tatarasuna, Inazuma
Time: Between 18:00 – 6:00 in-game time
Bait: False Worm Bait

Where To Catch Golden Koi
- Stormbearer Mountains, Mondstadt
- Wangshu Inn, Guili Plains, Luhua Pool (Liyue)
- Koseki Village #1, Inazuma
Time: Anytime
Bait: Fake Fly Bait

Genshin Impact: Best Jean Build and Team Comp
Where To Catch Rusty Koi in Genshin Impact
- Cider Lake #2, Mondstadt
- Wangshu Inn, Guili Plains, Luhua Pool (Liyue)
- Koseki Village #1, Inazuma
Time: Anytime
Bait: Fake Fly Bait

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Genshin Impact is available on PC, PlayStation, and mobile.