A true villain knows how to steal the show, and these baddies are the true monsters of the last 22 years. The Nerd Stash is proud to present our list of the best movie villains of the 21st century so far. For this list, we’re going to showcase the great villains that we either love to hate or hate to love. These villains can come from any genre, including fantasy, action, horror, comic book films, historical drama, etc. You’re about to relive some of the villains that scared us, made our blood boil, or even downright entertained us. Brace yourself. Here are the ten best 21st-century movie villains.
10. Coriolanus Snow (The Hunger Games franchise)

Every U.S. President ever is Abraham Lincoln compared to President Snow. Only a genuinely twisted person can be so obsessed with power and status that he will gladly allow kids to compete in a live TV last-man-standing death match. Despite his ruthlessness, President Snow also has a sophisticated charm, which makes him even more menacing. Donald Sutherland did an excellent job portraying the ruthless dictator. One can only hope Tom Blyth can be just as effective in his portrayal of a much younger Snow in the upcoming prequel film.
9. Commodus (Gladiator)

Joaquin Phoenix must have a knack for playing twisted characters, as this will not be his only appearance on the list.
Like President Snow, Commodus is also driven to evil acts due to his hunger for power. When his father, Emperor Marcus Aurelius, takes his opportunity to rule Rome from him in favor of the less ruthless General Maximus (Russell Crowe), hurt and enraged Commodus murders his father, has Maximus’ wife and son killed and tries to have Maximuskilled. For a moment, you almost feel bad for Commodus being passed over by his own father. But when we see the horror he is capable of, we see that his dad had a point. There’s a scene in which he mocks Maximus over how his family died, and the words he spews make every viewer want the punch the bastard. They say revenge is never the answer, but it’s pretty satisfying seeing Commodus get what is coming to him.
8. Pennywise the Dancing Clown (It)

Given that Tim Curry’s version of Pennywise will always be iconic in its own ways, it’s not a smart move to get into the whole “which one is better” debate. Instead, let’s just celebrate the unique level of terror Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd brought to this famous character that makes anyone who sees It terrified of clowns. Fun fact: in the famous Stephen King novel, the evil entity is known as “It” rarely manifests as a clown. However, both adaptations of this long novel had to take the clown part to extreme levels to put a face on this evil force. And yet somehow, Pennywise still manages to be more than just a creepy circus performer. We see Pennywise take on various forms as he seeks to feast on the various fears of children. While the modern adaptations of It have one major flaw in that they make Pennywise’s manifestations a little too cartoonish, the fact is we still have a compelling and terrifying villain in this wicked clown. This is largely due to SkarsgÃ¥rd’s magnificent performance.
NOTE: While we may have said it’s not a good idea to compare SkarsgÃ¥rd and Curry, SkarsgÃ¥rd is the only one who can say he started a new horror character franchise since the It films have a prequel series on the way. Just saying.
7. Captain Vidal (Pan’s Labyrinth)

Guillermo del Toro’s 2006 Pan’s Labyrinth is a fantasy masterpiece that features one of the most loathsome fantasy villains of all time. Not a witch, not an ogre, not a giant, not a troll… but a fascist army captain concerned with his own status and legacy. When he first meets the protagonist Ophelia, whose pregnant and ill mother is now married to Vidal, his first concern is to let her know which hand is the proper one to shake. From there, things only get worse. He makes it clear that he cares far more for his unborn son’s life than his wife’s and that he’d rather kill his stepdaughter than lose his son. While caring for your unborn child is noble, Vidal is driven solely by his legacy and not his child’s well-being. The self-centered monster is at no point likable, but his actions in the film’s climax are what truly solidify our hatred. However, his loathsomeness and our desire to see him suffer make Captain Vidal a great 21st-century movie villain.
6. Arthur Fleck (Joker)

In some ways, putting Arthur Fleck on this list feels problematic, as the stigma surrounding mental health makes him one of the more sympathetic portrayals of the Joker. However, even in the moments where Arthur is meant to be pitied, there are indications of a monster under the surface. Arthur starts as a lonely and sad character wanting to be known and celebrated by a society that seems to have cast him out. While that’s a desire many can certainly understand, few resort to the wicked actions Arthur resorts to. He doesn’t start to come out of his shell until he starts killing people, and while some of those people may have been bullies, that doesn’t exactly merit getting shot to death. While Arthur is a villain one can identify with, his chaotic and violent actions make him a villain nonetheless. Joaquin Phoenix earned an Oscar for making this version of the Joker both sympathetic and terrifying. And it looks like we can expect to see more of him soon.
5. Bill “The Butcher” Cutting (Gangs of New York)

It’s now been 20 years since Gangs of New York was released. Yet, Bill “The Butcher” Cutter remains a remarkably relevant villain for conveying the toxic political mindsets that continue to trouble our world. The criminal leader of a xenophobic, anti-immigrant gang of “patriots,” Bill is a vicious racist who violently acts out his belief with warfare, lynchings, and cold-blooded killing. Although he represents every evil mindset that plagues society, Daniel Day-Lewis puts such power and force into this performance that you can’t turn your eyes away. Day-Lewis steals the show in Gangs of New York, making Bill the Butcher one of the best 21st-century movie villains.
4. Voldemort (Harry Potter)

Translating one of the most iconic villains of all time to the screen is no small fleet, but the Harry Potter series got it down perfectly. With his snakelike face and almost half-human form, Voldemort’s appearance is already the stuff of nightmares. But it’s his deeds, his personality, and his disturbing beliefs that make him a true monster. Wanting to wipe non-pure-blood wizards out of existence (even though he himself was born to a muggle father), Voldemort rounds up anyone who will join him in the quest, and he will kill anyone who doesn’t comply. If this sounds like a certain historical figure, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling confirmed that Voldemort was based on Adolf Hitler. As if all of this isn’t twisted enough, he is also willing to kill mercilessly to divide his soul and place the fragments into horcruxes for the sake of eternal life. This is a powerful being with a dark mind. He’s an amazing villain of fantasy literature and one of the best 21st-century movie villains.
3. Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men)

Even this haircut should be a dead giveaway your not dealing with a normal person. All joking aside, though, this man is a danger that can and does get compared to the bubonic plague. Anton Chigurh is a deadly hitman completely void of a conscience or compassion. While he’s been hired to track down a rancher with $2.4 million, he doesn’t seem to be as interested in money as he is in delivering violent but crafty blows of death to his victims, frequently leaving their fates up to coin tosses. Chigurh’s weapons of choice include shotguns and pistols, but he seems to really delight in using a bolt stunner typically used to stun cattle before slaughter. Author Cormac McCarthy created Anton Chigurh to be the epitome of evil. Javier Bardem chillingly delivers this darkness, earning him an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.
2. Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds)

Quentin Tarantino has made many remarkable films and created some intriguing characters. And in the director’s own opinion, Hans Landa is his very best character. Similar in his own way to Bill the Butcher, this Austrian Nazi is driven to deplorable actions based on hideous ideologies. When we first meet him, his cheery and polite demeanor almost makes him charming. However, once he delivers a speech likening Jewish people to rats in your home, you realize that behind that charming exterior is a truly demented brain. Landa is a merciless killer who takes eerie delight in his job. He’s also a bit of a sneaky rat himself, switching sides immediately at the opportunity to receive a pardon. Christoph Waltz garnered a deserved Oscar for creating this wicked but highly entertaining villain.
1. The Joker (The Dark Knight)

Was there any doubt? While calling Heath Ledger’s version of the Joker the best movie villain this century is almost cliche, there’s simply no competing with this take on the character (at least as far as live-action performances are concerned). Nice try, though, Joaquin.
The Joker is easily the greatest Batman villain and may be the greatest comic book villain of all time. Any actor taking him on is taking a major challenge, and many didn’t think Heath Ledger could possibly be the man for the job. But boy, did he shut the haters up. Ledger’s Joker somehow takes the cartoonish villainy of the character and makes it terrifyingly real. While the Joker’s origin story has had many retellings, this one is really vague since he’s got at least two different stories regarding the scars that shape a smile on his face. While both stories could make the character more human, Christopher Nolan doesn’t seem to want to humanize the character. As Alfred puts it, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” This Joker is one of those creatures. A pure monster. Regardless, the late Heath Ledger stole the show and earned a posthumous Oscar for this legendary performance. Until someone can reach this high bar, this Joker will remain the best movie villain of the 21st century.
Honorable Mentions:
- Kylo Ren (The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)
- Magneto (The X-Men Franchise)
- Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2)
- Thanos (The Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Do you agree with this list? Who do you think is the best movie villain of the 21st century? Share your thoughts in the comments on TheNerdStash Facebook and @TheNerdStash on Twitter.