The most anticipated DLC of this year, Phantom Liberty is finally here. CD Projekt Red has once again shown how to make a fantastic DLC filled with amazing content. Same as the base game, Phantom Liberty has some of the most layered questlines you can find in an action RPG. One of them is Lucretia My Reflection which you will trigger after completing the Spider and the Fly quest. Lucretia My Reflection is a long and complex quest and you could probably use some help to complete it in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
Lucretia My Reflection Walkthrough

Lucretia My Reflection starts immediately after you beat Chimera in the previous quest. You will continue your journey with Myers to get out of that place but as expected a few obstacles will come on your way. The first one is to find the secret passage that will lead you out of this place.
How To Complete Dogtown Saints in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Firstly make sure you search the area fully to gather resources and ammos. Once you are done, interact with the yellow container on the right side of the stairs. When you open the container, it will reveal a tunnel that you can use to get out. As you go, Myers will ask you to call Songbird again.
Getting Out of Subway Tunnels

After you fail to contact Songbird, you will get two more objectives. One of them is optional and requires you to speak with Johnny Silverhand and he will speak with you about Chimera. Then it’s time to move and get out of the subway tunnels.
The path is pretty straightforward, it is a tunnel after all. However, make sure you check every corner for more supplies. Then you will reach a path blocked by a cart that you and Myers can push to unblock the path. Then you will come across two paths one going right and the other left that both lead to the same place.
Should You Choose The Right Path or Left Path in the Tunnels?

The left path is a much simpler way compared to the right one. But the right path will lead to a room with some amazing loot. If you decide to choose the left path, go straight until you reach the train with giant pipes on it on your left. Jump on it and then turn right to see a gap that leads to the next room. Go straight and on the right side you will see a generator that will lift a platform. Underneath that will be a small channel that you can use to reach the next section.
Although if you choose the right side, you will face a locked door but on its right side a little gap is open. This little tunnel is filled with steam and you have to turn it off before progressing. To find the valve that will shut off the steam, you have to follow the large pipe on the side of the wall.

As soon as you get out of the hallway, turn right and you will see a broken platform above you. Jump on it and navigate through until you see a gap in the floor that you must jump down. That will lead to the valve we are looking for and then you are good to go.

Once you get out of there, you will reach an elevator and once hop on it, V will get another Relic Mulfanction. It’s nothing serious and you will be good to go. Then you will find the hideout but no one has arrived yet and the place is out of power. So your next objective is to restore the power to this place.
How to Restore Power in Lucretia My Reflection in Phantom Liberty?

From the door, you walk in, turn right, and then you will see a generator in a small room to the right side. Interacting with the generator will show that it’s not working and we have to fix it somehow. In the meantime, good old Silverhand will appear to give you his thoughts about this whole situation. Once your conversation with him is done, it’s time to find a way to make the generator work.
The item we are looking for is a battery and you can find it on the dead body of a robot on the table just to the left side of the hall when you walk first into it. Grab the battery, put it on the device on the table, and turn on the generator to restore power.

Then you will sit down and have a bear with Myers until you hear some footsteps. Then Jacob and Taylor will walk in. There you can speak with them to deal in peace or just start shooting. If you decide to go in peace, you will have to talk with them, get to know them a bit and that’s it. Then in the morning, you will have to swear an oath and then Myers will send you to Capitan Caliente Restaurant to speak with the only person she trusts in Dogtown.
Finding Entrance to Capitan Caliente Restaurant in Lucretia My Reflection in Phantom Liberty

Use the elevator to go down and head towards the Capitan Restaurant. The restaurant isn’t open and you have to find an entrance to it. If you toggle your scanner you can see a cable coming from the restaurant that leads to a fusebox.

If you have a legs cyberwar that allows you to jump higher or double jump, you can easily reach this area. If you don’t, use the platforms near the main street to get higher. That will lead to a walking bridge. Head straight towards the marker, then turn left and continue your way. Turn right once you’ve seen the glass entrance on your right and on the other side of it you will find a staircase.
Go up until you reach the rooftop. On the right side, you will see a platform with no barriers going to the side of the building. Walk on it and it will lead you to the fusebox. Interact with it and then head back to Capitan Caliente Restaurant and its door will be open.
Contact Reed by Using the Old Telephone in Lucretia My Reflection in Phantom Liberty

Once you get it, you will be tasked with scanning the area to find an old telephone. To find it, jump over the counter and go to the hallway on the right. Scan the shelf on your right side and then move it to find the old telephone. Enter the 0931 code on the phone to contact Reed.
Head to the Basketball Court

Reed will ask you to meet him in the Basketball Court in the daytime. Once you arrive, you have to wait for some time and have a conversation with Silverhand. Then you will tasked to get inside a Black Thorton. Once you get in, Reed will appear and start to have a chat with you.
Then he will start driving and talking until a bunch of Hanesen’s goons will attack you. It’s how they usually welcome people. Deal with them and show your appreciation for their hospitality and then jump in the car to move on again.
Finally, you will reach the abandoned building you were intended to go to. As you arrive you see the enemy’s car has already arrived so you have to sweep the building as you go on. Afterward, you should take the elevator to the 8th floor and lead Reed to the hideout where he meets Myers. Then there will be a conversation between you, Reed, and Myers.

Once you are done talking, you have to wait for two days until Reed contacts you. In the meantime, you can complete Gigs and other side quests. Once you receive the phone call from him, Reed will direct you towards the Moth Bar and that’s when Lucretia My Reflection is complete and The Damned quest will start right after.
That was how you can complete Lucretia My Reflection, one of the complex quests in Phantom Liberty. We are publishing new content on Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty, so make sure to check them out as well.
Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty are now available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.