A new summer mode for League of Legends called Arena has fans questioning how the rank system and points work. Arena mode is a 2v2v2v2 game mode, where four teams of two face off against each other in several rounds. You fight with your Champions on circular stages, with the winner decided by which team is left at the end. The LoL rank system and rank points function similarly to past modes. Riot Games also made the Arena ranks simpler to follow and achieve. There are only five Arena ranks in the game mode.
How Does the Arena Rank Points System Work in League of Legends?

You rank up in Arena mode the same way as you do in typical Summoner’s Rift queues, winning matches. Since multiple teams can enter an Arena match, the Arena Rank System in LoL will only reward points to groups that make it to the final two left standing.
If you and your team finish in third or fourth place in a match, then it is considered a loss. You lose points in the LoL Arena Rank System for not winning games, potentially dropping your rank.
How Many Ranks Are There In Arena Mode?

In contrast to the rankings in other modes, only five ranks exist in the Arena Rank System. The five ranks are:
- Wood
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Gladiator
Every LoL player starts as a Wood player, and they can work their way up to a higher rank by winning Arena matches. There’s a ranked ladder where gamers compete with each other to see where they land among other players in the world.
What Are The Awards for High Ranks In LoL Arena?
Typically, reaching a high rank in a ranked ladder will reward players with an exclusive reward. However, at the time of this writing, Riot Games have yet to offer any substantial rewards for reaching a high rank in the Arena Points System for LoL.
Your only reward for gaining a high rank is bragging rights and seeing your username high on the leaderboard. Generally, players earn exclusive skins, season-long badges, or loot boxes after achieving a high rank.
Usually, new summer modes are not permanent in League of Legends. These modes typically leave within a couple of months. It is possible if the reception is positive enough, Riot Games may reconsider the new Arena mode in League of Legends.
How To Earn Reputation Points in League of Legends: Tournament of Souls
How To Earn Reputation Points in League of Legends: Tournament of Souls
League of Legends is available to play on PC.