Pokémon Legends: Arceus brought new features and locations to enjoy such as all the Alpha Pokémon roaming out there. There are dozens available, and they’re remarkably powerful. Because of this, many players are wondering where to find them. We’ll help you track down all Alpha Pokémon in the game in each area.
All Alpha Pokémon Locations in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Catching new Pokémon is always fun whether to improve your party or fill up the Pokédex. Alpha Pokémon are simply incredible to add to your lineup. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Alpha Pokémon are located in five areas. You can find them in the following areas:
- Alabaster Icelands
- Cobalt Coastlands
- Coronet Highlands
- Crimson Mirelands
- Obsidian Fieldlands
We’ll show you on the maps below where you can find each Alpha Pokémon in the specific areas. They’re all listed in alphabetical order for the sake of simplicity.
Alabaster Icelands – Alpha Pokémon Locations

In the Alabaster Icelands area, you’ll find 14 Alpha Pokémon:
- Abomasnow (Lv. 68) – Avalugg’s Legacy
- Chimecho (Lv. 65) – Lake Acuity
- Electabuzz (Lv. 65) – Icebound Falls
- Froslass (Lv. 72) – Avalanche Slopes
- Gallade (Lv. 70) – Snowpoint Temple
- Garchomp (Lv. 85) – Avalanche Slopes
- Gardevoir (Lv. 70) – Heart’s Crag
- Glalie (Lv. 62) – Bonechill Wastes
- Hisuian Sneasal (Lv. 61) – Avalugg’s Legacy
- Lucario (Lv. 70) – Icebound Falls
- Machamp (Lv. 70) – Arena’s Approach
- Mamoswine (Lv. 68) – Avalugg’s Legacy
- Piloswine (Lv. 65) – Arena’s Approach
- Swinub (Lv. 62) – Avalugg’s Legacy
Cobalt Coastlands – Alpha Pokémon

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the Cobalt Coastlands house 17 Alpha Pokémon. They’re listed below:
- Ambipom (Lv. 50) – Hideaway Bay
- Chansey (Lv. 51) – Tombolo Walk
- Drapion (Lv. 45) – Ginkgo Landing
- Dusknoir (Lv. 65) – Deadwood Haunt
- Empoleon (Lv. 69) – Islespy Shore
- Gastrodon (Lv. 61) – Seagrass Haven
- Golduck (Lv. 50) – Bather’s Lagoon
- Gyarados (Lv. 58) – Sand’s Reach
- Lumineon (Lv. 60) – Seagrass Haven
- Machoke (Lv. 40) – Castaway Shore
- Mantine (Lv. 50) – Tranquility Cove
- Mothim (Lv. 56) – Spring Path
- Ninetails (Lv. 61) – Firespit Island
- Octillery (Lv. 46) – Castaway Shore
- Purugly (Lv. 45) – Veilstone Cape
- Tentacruel (Lv. 50) – Lunker’s Lair
- Walrein (Lv. 50) – Ginko Landing
Coronet Highlands – Alpha Pokémon Locations

Coronet Highlands is home to 15 Alpha Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. They’re listed below:
- Bronzong (Lv. 55) – Clamberclaw Cliffs
- Clefable (Lv. 62) – Fabled Spring
- Crobat (Lv. 60) – Wayward Cave
- Electivire (Lv. 69) – Cloudcap Pass
- Gabite (Lv. 56) – Clamberclaw Cliffs
- Gligar (Lv. 52) – Celestica Ruins
- Gliscor (Lv. 77) – Primeval Grotto
- Golem (Lv. 60) – Bolderoll Ravine
- Hisuian Goodra (Lv. 70) – Ancient Quarry
- Luxray (Lv. 55) – Sacred Plaza
- Mismagius (Lv. 61) – Stonetooth Rows
- Mothim (Lv. 55) – Wayward Wood
- Probopass (Lv. 73) – Primeval Grotto
- Rhyperior (Lv. 74) – Sacred Plaza
- Steelix (Lv. 60) – Celestica Trail
Crimson Mirelands – Alpha Pokémon

In Crimson Mirelands, you’ll find 19 Alpha Pokémon in the following areas:
- Carnivine (Lv. 40) – Cottonsedge Prairie
- Hippowdon (Lv. 46) – Sludge Mound
- Hisuian Sliggoo (Lv. 50) – Holm of Trials
- Honchkrow (Lv. 55) – Cloudpool Ridge
- Lickilicky (Lv. 52) – Shrouded Ruins
- Onix (Lv. 50) – Diamond Settlement
- Pachirisu (Lv. 40) – Gapejaw Bog
- Raichu (Lv. 52) – Golden Lowlands
- Rhyhorn (Lv. 45) – Near Diamond Heath
- Roserade (Lv. 50) – Cloudpool Ridge
- Skuntank (Lv. 45) – Scarlet Bog
- Tangrowth (Lv. 45) – Scarlet Bog
- Torterra (Lv. 65) – Holm of Trials
- Toxicroak (Lv. 47) – Holm of Trials
- Ursaring (Lv. 41) – Ursa’s Ring
- Ursaring (Lv. 55) – Gapejaw Bog
- Vespiquen (Lv. 61) – Cottonsedge Prairie
- Whiscash (Lv. 64) – Lake Valor
- Yanmega (Lv. 58) – Droning Meadow
Obsidian Fieldlands – Alpha Pokémon Locations

Obsidian Fieldlands features 19 Alpha Pokémon listed below:
- Alakazam (Lv. 60) – Sandgem Flats
- Bibarel (Lv. 16) – Tidewater Dam
- Blissey (Lv. 62) – Obsidian Falls
- Floatzel (Lv. 31) – Worn Bridge
- Golbat (Lv. 35) – Oreburrow Tunnel
- Graveler (Lv. 30) – Grueling Grove
- Gyarados (Lv. 60) – Lake Verity
- Heracross (Lv. 45) – Grueling Grove
- Infernape (Lv. 65) – Ramanas Island
- Kricketune (Lv. 30) – Tidewater Dam
- Lopunny (Lv. 40) – The Heartwood
- Luxio (Lv. 40) – Floaro Gardens
- Magikarp (Lv. 55) – Oreburrow Tunnel
- Parasect (Lv. 30) – Nature’s Pantry
- Rapidash (Lv. 40) – Horseshoe Plains
- Scyther (Lv. 42) – Grandtree Arena
- Snorlax (Lv. 45) – Lake Verity
- Stantler (Lv. 42) – Deertrack Heights
- Staravia (Lv. 32) – Windswept Run
Catching Alpha Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
A good way to catch an Alpha Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is to sneak. You can distract them with berries and toss Poké Balls at their back. Additionally, you can use a Poké Ball like Jet Ball to do this at a greater distance.
Otherwise, you can just fight them and chip away at their health enough to weaken them. Just remember that Alphas tend to be at higher levels than other Pokémon in the area.
If you wish, you can head to Space-Time Distortions to find some Alpha Pokémon too as they’re a random spawn there.
Remember that some may come at specific times, so check back at nighttime or daytime if some won’t show up.
Pokémon Legends Arceus: Where to Find Sand Radishes
Pokémon Legends: Arceus is available on Nintendo Switch.