Ashrah is one of the main characters in Mortal Kombat 1, serving a new purpose in the new era. The Fire God Liu Kang has shaped the new reality of the Mortal Kombat universe into something we haven’t seen before, and many characters’ stories, including Ashrah, have changed. But who is this personality? Is she an evil character? Let’s dive into details and review everything about Ashrah’s origin and her return to the Mortal Kombat.
Ashrah’s Backstory in The Original MK Timeline

Ashrah is a demon from the Netherrealm, first appearing 17 years ago in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Serving Quan Chi as her leader, Ashrah followed the Brotherhood of Shadow for many years. This group of unholy people worshiped the fallen elder god Shinnok. Their goal was to free Shinnok from his eternal prison and rule the world under his command. However, the events of Mortal Kombat 4 changed the elder god’s fate.
In fact, Ashrah and the rest of the Brotherhood of Shadow members, like Reiko and Noob Saibot, helped Shinnok invade Edenia. They failed as the elder god was defeated by the chosen one, Liu Kang. After that, Ashrah turns her back on the Brotherhood and hides away from them.
During this time, she finds a sword called the Kriss, which she thinks is blessed. Ashrah started killing hundreds of demons with the Kriss, believing that each kill purified her soul and that one day she could escape the Netherrealm. However, this sword was not the Kriss, but a sinister copy version of it called the Datusha.
Datusha was built to deceive its wielder into thinking that they’re becoming pure by killing demons and vampires. This is while Ashrah got corrupted by this sword, slaying hundreds of demons and vampires throughout the years. The fate of her, however, was nothing but death in the battle of Armageddon.
Ashrah’s Return in Mortal Kombat 1

Surprisingly enough, Ashrah was absent during the events of the alternate MK9, MKX, and Mortal Kombat 11 timeline. However, Fire God Liu Kang has now started a new era, where every character has a fresh start; including Ashrah.
In the new timeline, Ashrah is still introduced as a Netherrealm demon. However, it’s not clarified whether she uses the Kriss or its sinister twin to kill other demons and vampires. This is while Ashrah seems to be at peace with Lord Liu Kang, which means that she probably won’t be an evil character.
Mortal Kombat 1 Official Story Trailer Breakdown
Mortal Kombat 1 Official Story Trailer Breakdown
Mortal Kombat 1 will be available to play on September 19, 2023. Players who have pre-ordered the premium edition of the game will be able to experience MK1 as soon as September 14, 2023.