Lies of PÂ is the latest game inspired by FromSoftware’s Soulsborne sub-genre. The game has adapted many things from its source of inspiration, like upgrading weapons and having a different healing system. Apart from that, players will get Ergo from defeating enemies that can be used to level up their characters. Defeating bosses in the game will reward them with a Rare Ergo with 5,000 Ergo in it. If you wonder whether you should save or use your Rare Ergo in Lies of P, you’ve come to the right place.
Is It Best To Save and Use or Sell Your Rare Ergo in Lies of P?

When you defeat major bosses, you get a hefty reward, which is Rare Ergo. Rare Ergo contains 5,000 Ergo in it that will guarantee you a couple of levels, especially in the early stages of the game. However, when you reach St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, you can rescue a character named Alidoro. This character has the ability to use Rare Ergo to make rare weapons and amulets that you cannot find anywhere else in the game. This will cause a dilemma as to whether you should save and use your Ergo or sell for a weapon to Alidoro.
While the items Alidoro makes are quite good, it is still a better option to use your Ergo on leveling up yourself, or at least the majority of it. The main reason is that you have far more choice of freedom if you use Rare Ergo yourself. For instance, you will reach a boss that you always fall short on stamina, so you can use your Rare Ergo to level it up and solve your issue. Even if you level up your attack power, that increases the overall damage of any weapon you choose, not only the rare ones.
How To Upgrade Weapons in Lies of P
That is what you must know about how to properly use Rare Ergo in Lies of P. Make sure to check our website for more Lies of P content and guides.
Lies of P is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.