Did you know that you can fly Hot Air Balloon in Rust? The PvP sandbox Rust servers are filled with a lot of dangerous situations but also a lot of fun ones. For instance, the Hot Air Balloon is all about providing an adventure, and piloting these aerial giants gives a unique gameplay experience like flying a helicopter. While this question has baffled both old and new players, there is a simple approach to controlling a Hot Air Balloon. It is not just for the thrill it offers, but flying high can help you scout for resources and check out where the competition is.
Rust: Hot Air Balloon Guide

Hot Air Balloons in Rust spawn everywhere in open areas except in water. You will find them sleeping on the flat surface, waiting to be lifted into the sky. Every Hot Air Balloon in Rust spawns with a depleted health bar. You will need to repair it before you launch the aerial vehicle. For this, you need the following:
- 1x Hammer
- 150x ClothÂ
When you enter the Hot Air Balloon, look up and use the hammer to repair it. Once in full health, you can launch and fly Hot Air Balloon in Rust. Follow these simple steps:
- Insert the Fuel – Feed the Hot Air Balloon with Low-Grade Fuel by putting it into the Fuel Storage. You need 400 to launch it. After that, you must provide it with 500 Low-Grade Fuel every 30 seconds of your flight if you don’t want to crash down.
- Press the Ignition Button – Locate the red button inside the Hot Air Balloon. Press it, and wait for the Hot Air Balloon Basket to start lifting.
- Control the Flight by Controlling the Fire – Now, when the Hot Air Balloon takes flight, you must navigate it by controlling the fire. This maintains its altitude. As the fire is burning, the balloon will soar higher and higher. You will notice a flag and a sock connected to the Burn button. This will show you which direction the wind is blowing.
- Flying Hot Air Balloon – When the flag and sock start pointing in the direction you want to fly to, it is time to killswitch the Burn button. This will stop the fire, and your balloon will stop ascending and will fly in the direction you want. At this point, you will want to turn on/off the Burn button every five minutes. If you don’t, you will fall down and lose direction.
- Free Fall – When the Hot Air Balloon reaches the highest possible altitude, the fire will cease and begin gliding downward.
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Notably, flying Hot Air Balloon in Rust is extremely dangerous, especially for a single player. You will spend the whole time managing the burn button, making you an easy target in the sky. Also, landing is problematic. However, this still gives you some advantages in addition to the thrill of the flight itself.
Rust is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.