Not only will you be traveling from planet to planet with your companions and engaging in things that are both morally and ethically challenging in Starfield, but you will also be crafting things. There are a variety of things that you can craft but they all have one thing in common: you will most likely need a Research Station to actually do it. Using these stations is easy, but actively finding one can be a bit tricky. Considering that, we have outlined how to get Research Stations in Starfield and what they do to help make your adventure just a little bit easier.
How to Get Research Stations in Starfield

One of the first Research Stations that you come across will actually be on your ship, the Frontier. If you also happen to have the Dream Home trait or have been able to find a home for yourself in your travels, you can also build yourself a Research Station there. When you start building outposts, you will also be able to include a Research Station there as well. Each of these stations has five categories that you can research, including Pharmacology, Food and Drink, Outpost Development, Equipment, and Weaponry.
What do Research Stations do?
Each of the categories on Research Stations allows you to craft and create items from those categories. For example, the Pharmacology category allows you to create medicinal items that can help cure status effects that might have been lingering for a while. The best way to be able to advance your research is to upgrade different skills including the Chemistry rank and other aspects of the Science skill tree so that you can research even more projects. Having the first rank in Chemistry will allow you to research the Performance Enhancement 2 project which will give you the ability to research even more items.
If you want to, you’re also able to check out the progress of one of your projects by selecting the Track Progress option and seeing where the items you should still need. When you go into stores that are selling items that you need, you will notice that a small exclamation point appears next to its name, meaning that whatever you’re still missing will make itself known a little bit easier rather than shuffling back and forth between menus.
Imagine Dragons Release New Single For Starfield
Starfield will launch on September 6 for PC and Xbox.