While the Dendro Archon is of divine origins, Nahida still requires the proper materials from the mortal realm for her Ascension in Genshin Impact. As one would expect, all the resources involved are from the region of Sumeru. Therefore, if you are a newcomer still exploring the islands of Inazuma or the mountains of Liyue, make sure you unlock the God of Wisdom’s nation to ascend its Dendro Archon.Â
What does Nahida need to Ascend in Genshin Impact?

Nahida’s five Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact include Nagadus Emerald, Kalpalata Lotus, Fungus Materials, and Quelled Creepers. Fungal Spores, Luminescent Pollen, and Crystalline Cyst Dust are the easiest to procure since they drop from Fungi. Fungi are mushroom enemy mobs you will commonly encounter while exploring and questing within Sumeru. As a result, this Ascension Material can be farmed naturally.
How to get pets in Genshin Impact

The second resource you’ll need for Nahida is Nagadus Emerald, which is a guaranteed drop from the Jadeplume Terrorshroom and Dendro Hypostasis. The Jadeplume Terrorshroom can be initially accessed using a portal in Vissudha Field, Sumeru. Dendro Hypostasis’ lair sits on the opposite side of the region, in the southern portion of the Land of Lower Setekh. We recommend you farm the Hypostasis since it also drops another required material — Quelled Creeper.

Unlike Nagadus Emerald or Fungi drops, Quelled Creepers only come from slaying the Dendro Hypostasis. This resource is comparable to the Hoarfrost Cores of Cryo Regisvine or the Everflame Seeds of the Pyro variant. Therefore, if you want to maximize the efficiency of your Resin spending when farming Nahida Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact, be sure to choose the Dendro Hypostasis.

Kalpalata Lotus can be found in multiple locations across Sumeru or can be purchased in limited amounts from Aramani. For those unfamiliar, Aramani is an NPC vendor you’ll gain access to in the dream portion of Vanarana during the Aranyaka World Quest series. Like Violetgrass in Liyue, Kalpalata Lotus naturally grows on cliffsides and rocky mountainsides.
Sumeru’s landscape and terrain are anything but flat, and multiple areas have overworld and underground levels. As a result, searching for natural resources like Kalpalata Lotus can be a pain, even with interactive map guidance. Therefore, we suggest you watch YouTube videos and attempt to memorize your favorite farming routes for Nahida’s Kalpalata Lotus Ascension Material in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact is available on PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.