As is typical in a Bethesda RPG, Starfield is a game about exploration. It’s that curiosity about what will be around the next corner that keeps players intrigued for hours on end. Typically, these bouts of nosiness will reward players with fascinating discoveries. Sometimes, however, these findings are not so pleasant. If you find yourself searching for such a location, read ahead to learn where to find The Colander in Starfield.
How to Find Starfield’s ‘The Colander’

The Colander’s location is deep into Starfield’s star map in the Schrodinger system, just to the right of Cheyenne. For this reason, we highly recommend obtaining a stronger ship or upgrading your grav drive before attempting to find it. Naturally, you are also going to want to be pretty strong yourself, considering it is a level 65 system.
Once you’ve managed to traverse the vast emptiness of space, head over to the planet Shrodinger III. Here, you should find The Colander floating in orbit. The ship wasn’t immediately available for us, and we instead had to exit the orbit and try again in order to find it. We aren’t sure if that was a bug or a bad roll, but keep that in mind in case you come across a similar issue.
The Colander hides some of Starfield’s most disturbing environmental storytelling. We won’t spoil it for you here, but let’s just say it involves a whole lot of dead scientists. Make sure to bring your best space suit and plenty of ammo.
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If this whole thing is a bit too creepy for you, we might be able to help. One clever Reddit user pointed out that the whole thing seems to be an elaborate Among Us reference. One final point — be sure to loot the chests in the room with the interloper, as it typically has some very solid valuables.