If you don’t want to risk your life from the start, reading this Payday 3: Rock the Cradle Stealth guide about the Neon Cradle will do you some good. The stealth path goes beyond acting impulsively, grabbing a gun, and blindly shooting. Acting with stealth forces you to have patience and to plan things carefully. So, make a plan and execute it with every detail in mind. The Rock the Cradle mission offers you both options. In this guide, we will prefer not to blow up the main entrance. Instead, we will show you how to get in without attracting too much attention or taking too many victims.
Payday 3: Rock the Cradle Stealth Guide for Easy Mode

The strategy of how to deal with this heist will depend on the difficulty level you give to your game. So, we will explain the complete mission in both easy and hard mode.
Step 1: How to Get to the VIP Area in Easy Mode
Entering the Rock the Cradle will be too much of an issue in this mode. Not only will you be able to enter, but you will have unlocked access to the bar and the dance floor.
Once inside, you will need to get a VIP card to complete the Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily. Go to the door opposite the entrance to the VIP area and make your way to the second floor.
Locate the Rifkin’s office, the owner of the place. Inside, you will see a display case with a brand-new VIP invitation. The invitation comes in the shape of Rifkin’s phone. You will have to locate her and access her phone to hack it. Rifkin is wearing a black jacket and a red skirt near the club. Make sure no one sees you, look to the side for camera locations, and don’t go too far away from her. Once that’s 100% completed, you have the QR we need.
Return to your office and place the code in the showcase to get the invitation and to complete Neon Cradle in Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily. The next step is to authenticate your VIP pass. Go to the meeting room, in front of her office. Locate a machine and interact with it to authenticate it. Take the blue card from one of the security guards that will come in handy and head to the VIP area.
Step 2: Steal the Crypto Wallet
Once inside, go through the Electrical Facility, Service Elevator, and Storage Room to reach the first maintenance area, where you will find the room with the security cameras. Here, you will have access to remove all the Neon Cradle cameras.
Our priority here is to access the computer room where our loot is located. To do this and complete the Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily, you can use the ventilation duct in the bathroom or take a red access card from the accounting room. Writing the serial number on the accountant’s chair will be an excellent reminder.
Once you have obtained the red card, go to the computer room. You will have to distract the guard to enter. You can use a fireworks machine nearby to divert his attention and enter the room.
Inside the computer room, you will find a biometric scanner, which is locked. To unlock it, locate a board with a 4-digit code and a color.
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To solve it and complete the Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily, look for the 10 boxes inside the computer room; each contains a set of switches of different colors. You must find the box with the combination of digits and color that you found on the board before and open it. From there, press the colored switch it mentions. Once you have pressed it, return to the accounting room and interact with the machine there. This will reset the biometric scanner and open the door where the crypto-wallet is located. Steal the crypto-wallet and escape.
Step 3: How to Escape
To sneak out, use the ventilation duct in the bathroom near you. If you’re a bit greedy, you can head to the vault and use the code you copied from the accountant’s chair to get that loot. Then, we recommend you also choose the ventilation ducts to escape from there. Don’t make a fuss!
Payday 3: Rock the Cradle Stealth Guide for Hard Mode

Step 1: Enter Neon Cradle
You have chosen to crown yourself as the robber of the year and made things quite ugly for yourself. The access door to the Neon Cradle is blocked. It’s time to think and plan another entry to complete the Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily. Look around and walk up to a loaded truck on the right side of the establishment. You will see a door. You can do some tricks or some force and force it. Always watch out for cameras and guards in the area. But we have concluded that this is the safest place to enter. You will go unnoticed if you hide in the crowd of people. They will not alert the red. But if a guard sees you, forget it. You’ll be out of the club in 2 seconds.
Step 2: Access the VIP Room in Neon Cradle
Now, you must get a VIP pass. You will have to gamble to get this pass from the club. Go to the third floor. You can use the stairs, sneak through the drunken revelers, or use an air vent. When you get to the third floor, you will see that there are 4 speakers located in different places. You will have to interact with them, do it unobtrusively but quickly, as the place is filmed from two angles. The cameras are located near the customers on the lower floor.
Once this is resolved, walk stealthily to the DJ booth to complete Neon Cradle in Payday 3: Rock the Cradle stealthily. There will be 2 guards watching for disturbances. Watch their path and try to pass them when they have gone on their usual route. Place yourself behind the DJ. And put a mix so brutal that it spoils the music. Objective achieved, the security guard will look for a reason and, fortunately, will go to the staircase. Stealthily kill him and steal his blue key card. Head to the VIP area and use his card to unlock the door so you can enter.
Once inside the VIP room, the structure and the steps to follow to steal the loot are the same as previously established in the easy level.
Payday 3 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC.