The Weekly Shonen Jump Editorial Department has confirmed that Yoshihiro Togashi’s hit manga series, Hunter x Hunter, will go back on hiatus following the publication of chapter 400. From now on, the chapters will be released in a non-weekly format to prioritize Togashi’s health until the series is concluded.
Hunter x Hunter will go on hiatus in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 4-5
— Hunter x Hunter (@TheHxHSource) December 21, 2022
Hunter x Hunter Update Schedule: Non-Weekly Format Going Forward and Update on Togashi’s Health
Hunter x Hunter officially began publishing new chapters for the first time in almost four years on October 23, 2022, and has since been releasing chapters on a weekly basis following updates on mangaka Yoshihiro Togashi’s physical condition.
The releases started with the long-awaited volume 37, which included chapters 381-390, and chapters have been released weekly since then. Hunter x Hunter Chapter 400 is scheduled to be released in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 4-5 on December 26, 2022. From chapter 401 onwards, the Hunter x Hunter chapters will be released in a non-weekly format to prioritize Togashi’s physical condition, and the series will once again go on hiatus for the time being.
Togashi has gotten much better over the years, which is why he is able to start publishing chapters again at all, with the assistance of his editorial team. However, his condition is still not ideal for consistent updates, and the new schedule will be much more flexible to facilitate his needs.
The editorial team released an official statement on the matter but provided no specific dates on when the next chapters can be expected. It will continue this way until the manga is completed.
Volume 37 was first announced back in September of this year, confirming a release date of November 2022. The announcement also came with the establishment of Togashi’s official Twitter account, where he has continued to post sketches and updates of the chapter’s progress as well as updates on his health.
More information is expected to be shared in the near future, and to keep up with the latest, be sure to keep reading The Nerd Stash!