Under the Surphaze in Payday 3 is a robbery of an art gallery with paintings by well-known artists. It can be quite difficult to do this in stealth mode because there are plenty of guards and cameras at almost every step, between which you will need to skillfully maneuver. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete Under the Surphaze in stealth mode in Payday 3. Compared to the others, this mission is quite difficult and requires patience and attention from a player. To successfully complete it and take the precious paintings with you, follow our walkthrough.
How To Complete Under the Surphaze Heist in Stealth Mode in Payday 3

So when you start a mission, you’ll need to somehow get inside. The easiest way is to use the main gate. Just pick the lock and move to the entrance of the building to get inside. Be careful because even from outside, there will be several guards patrolling in front of the building. Once inside, the first thing you’ll need to focus on is 2 main objectives, namely:
- Disable the security bars.
- Find QR codes to access the paintings.
At first, you don’t need to turn off the cameras because these 2 tasks can be quickly accomplished if you move around the building unnoticed. So, let’s talk about each of the tasks in more detail separately.
Disable the Security Bars

Disabling security bars is not difficult because the mechanics are similar to hacking Wi-Fi in the Touch The Sky mission. The main problem is that it will need to be done both on the first and second floor. Since it’s similar on both floors, here’s a quick tutorial on what to do:
- Explore the floor and find the black terminal on the wall.
- Interact with it to start the mini-game.
- You’ll see objective markers in different parts of the building, so head to them.
- When you get there, you’ll notice circles, stand within their radius to complete the progress bar.
When you have completed all the circles, the protective barriers around the paintings will be turned off, and you will be one step closer to success.
Find QR Codes to Access the Paintings

The second and no less important task will be to search for QR codes to access the paintings. As you can guess, you will need to find quite a few of them, so we have prepared a few places where they can be, namely:
- On the first floor near the bar.
- On the first floor in the bathroom.
- On the first floor in the employee-only room.
- On the second floor in the rest room (2 phones).
- On the second floor in the manager’s office.
- On the second floor in the server room.
So, you can easily combine the phone search with a mini-game to disable security bars to complete both tasks faster.
Stealing Paintings

So, now that you’re ready, it’s time to loot the paintings. First of all, we recommend going to the second floor to get to the room with the cameras and disable them. Also, enter one of the locked rooms to take the spectrophotometer. Once you’ve done that, go to the manager’s office to do the following:
- Interact with the computer to find out the location of the real paintings in the gallery.
- Take the USB drive that is in the safe hidden at the bottom of the wall behind the manager’s desk.
When everything is ready, you can go to the rooms with the paintings. In general, you will need to steal the paintings of three artists, and here’s how to do it:
Greg Jud Painting
The first and easiest painting to steal is in the E1 exhibition room. Just go there and find it to pick it up. You can use a cutter to cut the glass or a lockpick to open the case. Once you’ve done that, move on.
Pedro Vicario’s Paintings
Pedro Vicario’s Paintings are harder to steal. First, look at their location on the manager’s computer. Now, when you get to the right room, be careful because there may be traps waiting for you, such as motion detectors of various types. To bypass them, you will need to find a switch in the same room you are in. This is not difficult to do, if the motion detector is on the ground, then simply bypass it by parking from one surface above the floor to another.
Once you’ve turned off the motion detectors, all you need to do is find and steal the right paintings. To achieve this, you have to identify them using ultraviolet light. The original paintings have traces of the artist’s blood on them, so you’ll know them right away. Rob and move on.
Uma Ladette Painting
The last and probably the most difficult picture to rob. Repeat the same steps with the location search and disabling the motion detectors. In the manager’s office, you will see the location of two such paintings, but one of them will be a fake.
To steal the original, you’ll need the aforementioned spectrophotometer and USB drive. When you have them, go to one of the paintings and interact with it using the spectrophotometer. If the painting appears to be an original after scanning, then connect the USB drive and steal it. If it was a fake, go to another painting and steal it.
Once you’re done, grab your bags and head to the van that is waiting for you outside. We recommend using the fire escape to make it faster and complete the Under the Surphaze mission in stealth mode in Payday 3.
Payday 3: Dirty Ice Stealth Guide
Payday 3 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC.