Payday 3’s Rock the Cradle mission is difficult if you are trying to complete it on Overkill difficulty. Going in guns blazing is an effective strategy for easier difficulties and when you don’t know much about the stage. But on Overkill difficulty, guards are more numerous and have better aim which isn’t great for drawn-out gun fights. Even if you bring an experienced team into the mission, it’s easy to make mistakes if you don’t plan well. Here’s Payday 3’s Rock the Cradle Overkill guide that combines sneaking in and masking up to succeed.
Rock the Cradle Overkill Guide: Sneaking In

Before you start following this Payday 3 Rock the Cradle Overkill guide, find a team of players who know the mission well. The first part of this strategy requires sneaking in and your team should know where to go. Matchmaking with a public lobby is risky, and it’s easier to coordinate a team with friends who also play Payday 3.
Enter the nightclub and make your way towards the back to the VIP room. Look around for the bar and search for a locked door. Lockpick it while no one’s watching and go inside, going up the stairs without being spotted. You will see a DJ upstairs and a camera above them. There’s a door leading to the manager’s room near the camera. Sneak under the camera and lockpick the door to get in.
Payday 3: Rock the Cradle Stealth Guide
Hack the computer in the room to get the information you are needing including the manager’s location. Leave the room and look for the manager based on what the computer said. Check the VIP locations, outside the venue where you first spawned, or the dance floor. Stay near the manager and initiate the hacking prompt that comes up. Stay out of sight and you should gain access to the VIP passes.
Return to the manager’s office and grab the VIP passes. Search for a laptop to scan your passes whose location can be in three different locations. Search the right side of the bar, a room upstairs to the right of the DJ, or the upstairs VIP area at the front of the club.
Rock the Cradle Masking Up Guide

The VIP passes are now active, allowing you to get into the VIP Club and get as much loot as you want. This also means you can grab the crypto account before it gets wiped, which wouldn’t be possible if you started shooting first. After you grab the items, you don’t need to maintain stealth anymore.
It’s easier to mask up since Rock the Cradle’s stealth section in the VIP section is tougher on Overkill difficulty. Extraction might be harder since you must take hostages to buy time, but it is the easier option. Working together as a team to grab the loot from the different rooms and extract yourselves together.
Don’t stick around too long since enemies are more numerous and have better aim. Grab what you need and maybe some extras if you have time. But once you have the mission requirements, extract as soon as possible to finish the mission.