Open-world games are notorious for their lengthy playtimes. The best of them keep players engaged long after the closing credits roll. Cyberpunk 2077 is no exception, and with the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC, there’s more to do now than ever. Even so, players will complete Phantom Liberty‘s story eventually, which raises a question. What else is there to do in Dogtown? There’s no one right way to play the game, but some activities are easy to recommend for any player. Here are some of the best things you can do after beating Phantom Liberty, in no particular order.
6. Switch Your Lifepath in Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty gives players several options regarding how to start. You can work your way to the DLC content by starting the base game as normal or jump straight to the content with a fresh Level 20 character if you can’t wait to see Dogtown. One of the most important decisions when creating a new character is which Lifepath you’ll take. Nomad, Street Kid, and Corpo all affect the dialog options you’ll receive and shape the story in new and interesting ways. The DLC is no exception, so even if you’ve beaten the base game with every Lifepath before, it’s worth choosing a new Lifepath for Phantom Liberty after beating it once.
5. Change the Difficulty

Most players probably played on Normal difficulty their first time through the DLC. After beating Phantom Liberty, consider taking it on again at Hard or Very Hard difficulty. Thanks to the 2.0 balance changes, Cyberpunk 2077 is more challenging from beginning to end. Even so, V will become pretty OP by the end of the DLC’s main story. If you played on normal and started to feel that combat was too simple, kick things up a notch for your next playthrough. On the other hand, if you found the recent balance tweaks and increased difficulty to be a distraction from the story, give Easy a try. Difficulty shouldn’t gatekeep anyone from experiencing Dogtown’s story.
4. Change Your Build

The 2.0 update reworked every Perk tree as well as cyberware and several other systems. As a result, there’s more build diversity in Cyberpunk 2077 than ever. The Phantom Liberty DLC goes even further, adding a sixth Perk tree: Relic. Relic Perks grant cyberware new and exciting abilities, from devestating attacks to invisibility. After beating Phantom Liberty, try out a new build. Maybe you were a netrunner last time? Try getting up close and personal with Mantis Blades. Tired of going aggro with a shotgun? Give stealth a try. From throwing knives to sniper rifles, every weapon and build makes Phantom Liberty a new experience.
3. Find Iconic Weapons

Some weapons in Phantom Liberty are commonplace: they rolled off the assembly line identical to every other weapon of their kind. Others are special. These weapons are Iconic, and they possess unique traits that set them apart from every other weapon of their kind. Iconic weapons are powerful, which is already enough reason to want to track them down. For players who want to see everything in the game and learn a bit more about Dogtown’s lore in the process, it’s worth finding these weapons. After beating Phantom Liberty, there’s no better time to hunt down every Iconic weapon in the game. Many of them can only be attained as rewards for completing specific missions, so it’s also a good reason to get out there and lend your local fixer a hand.
2. Do Every Side Mission

Night City’s map only got bigger and more dense with the addition of Dogtown. This unique province brings more than a unique architectural style: it brings with it a number of new missions and gigs. From odd jobs to meaty quests that advance your relationships with key characters, there’s plenty to get up to. Some players may have already finished all this content by the time they finish the DLC’s main quest. Others, however, will have missed a good deal of it, especially if they were focused on getting to the end of Songbird’s storyline. If you haven’t already, work your way through Dogtown after beating Phantom Liberty, taking on every side mission until the map is cleared.
1. Visit the Arcade in Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty‘s main story is a serious affair with high stakes. There are lives on the line, and it’s rarely clear who you should trust. It’s nice to take a break from all the seriousness with something more lighthearted. After beating Phantom Liberty, drop by one of the many arcade cabinets scattered through Dogtown to place one of the various arcade games available. From shooters to simple platformers, there’s a decent amount of variety to be found in the arcade cabinets. Even more surprising, they’re all well-made and fun, considering they’re minigames in a full-scale open-world RPG.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.