Phantom Liberty contains some of the best writing in any open-world game, and that’s evident in the final Songbird mission: The Killing Moon. V’s story in Dogtown comes full circle with a desperate request from the enigmatic netrunner. Everything V has gone through with Songbird, President Myers, and Solomon Reed comes down to this final mission. It’s long and complicated, and it contains some difficult battles, so make sure you come prepared with your best equipment. Here’s everything you need to know to beat the Killing Moon in Cyberpunk 2077. Be aware that the following contains significant spoilers for the end of Songbird’s story and the ending of Phantom Liberty.
Wait for News From Songbird

The Killing Moon won’t start until you receive a call from Songbird asking to meet. Unfortunately, this can take a while. Fast-forwarding time by days or even a week is no guarantee that Songbird will call. Instead of waiting around for no reason, keep doing your business in Dogtown. After a gig or two, Songbird will call, triggering the beginning of the final mission.
Use the Downtime Before Songbird’s Call To Prepare for the Killing Moon
Buy any ammo or any other supplies you might need. The Killing Moon is tough, and you won’t get another chance to resupply once the mission begins. You don’t have to wrap up all your unfinished quests, though. You’ll get another shot at them after this mission.
Meet With Songbird and Drive to NCX To Start the Killing Moon

Songbird wants to see you in person, and the designated meeting point is far from Dogtown, so grab your favorite vehicle and settle in for a ride. Once you arrive, you’ll see Songbird’s van. Get in and talk to her. The netrunner is in awful shape, but the news isn’t all bad. She has a plan to escape, but she needs V’s help to pull it off. Specifically, she needs you to enter Tycho Terminal at NCX.
Take the Wheel and Get Moving
Drive to NCX and prepare to enter the spaceport. Navigating won’t be a challenge because the game will point your way. All you have to do is get there in one piece. You can’t bring weapons inside, so Songbird will stash your equipment for you until the time is right.
Get Past the Guard at NCX

Like any good spaceport in Cyberpunk 2077, security at NCX is tight. Proceed to the security checkpoint, where a guard waits in his booth to search you. Giving up your weapons will help get you past the scanner, but that’s not your only problem. Everyone is on the lookout for V in the Killing Moon.
Buy Enough Time for Songbird to Hack the Terminal
You need to stall for Songbird. The guard will ask you to look into the camera. Instead, make small talk with the guard until Songbird gives you the all-clear. Once she has done so, you can look into the camera without raising the alarm. The guard will now allow you to proceed into the spaceport and carry on with your mission.
Get the Luggage Code and Enter Tycho Terminal

Be on your toes because if things go poorly inside, it’s possible to be caught and captured. If that happens, just follow the mission’s directions to get back on track. Assuming things stay on track, wait for Songbird to give you the code once you’re inside, then use it on the terminal in the luggage area to get the luggage containing your disguise.
Collect the Uniform at Baggage Claim
When you get the chance, put on your new disguise. Be careful not to don the uniform in the open, or Songbird will scold you for your lack of stealth. Once you’re disguised, head over to the marked area, and the guard will let you through the gate. Shove aside the garbage bin inside and head deeper into Tycho Terminal.
Head to the Rooftop and Help Songbird Up

You need to make your way to the roof, but there are a number of guards in your path. You’re free to kill them, but if you get sloppy, they’ll raise the alarm and make the Killing Moon considerably more difficult. Whatever you do, do it quickly. Once you’re outside, proceed through the marked area and down the stairs.
Use Your Scanner To Locate the Firehose
With the help of the firehose on the wall, you can pull Songbird onto the roof. She will restore access to your guns and combat cyberware, so when things get messy, you’ll at least have your own gear to rely on.
Follow Songbird and Eavesdrop

Follow Songbird and head back into the building before President Myers arrives. Use the vent to hide from the guards. From inside the vent, watch the meeting between Myers and Solomon Reed. There’s not much to do here except watch and listen, but the revelations just keep coming in this scene, so that’s probably a good thing. The Killing Moon is Cyberpunk 2077‘s writing at its finest, and it’s nice to catch a breath between firefights. When you’re done, follow Songbird back to the elevator and take it to the main hall.
Fight Your Way Through the Main Hall in the Killing Moon

NUSA and Orbital Security are having a shootout in the terminal. You need to make your way through it to the other side. Keep moving toward your destination, fighting your way through when necessary. By the standards of the Killing Moon, this isn’t a particularly difficult fight, especially since you can third-party NUSA and Orbital Security.
Be Careful During the Shootout
Even though this isn’t the toughest fight in the Killing Moon, you can still get killed if you’re careless. Keep your wits about you and take things as slowly as you need to. There’s no harm in falling back long enough to heal and reload before charging back into the fray. Once you’re through, take the next elevator to Departures.
Survive the Attack Helicopter and Reach Maglev Station

Your journey through Cyberpunk 2077 is about to get rough. On your way to Maglev Station, a helicopter will attack. Its gatling gun does serious damage, so you’ll need to wait for it to stop firing before proceeding. An assault team will arrive as well, and you’ll need to eliminate them to continue. The Killing Moon has a couple of intense fights, and this is one of them.
Mind Your Health and Ammo
It only gets harder from here, so keep an eye on your Health, ammo, and cooldowns. Pretty much any strategy is viable here, so use whatever Perks and tactics got you through Phantom Liberty to this point. Defeat all of the NUSA operatives to get to the Control Tower and the hardest part of the mission.
Defend the Control Tower

Once you’ve fought your way to the Control Tower, you need to defend it until Songbird finishes her work inside. This is a tough battle with a ton of enemies, and an attack chopper will show up partway through the fight. Use the tower and your surroundings for cover to avoid the chopper’s deadly attacks.
Hold off the Attackers
You need to keep defeating waves of enemies until you’re prompted to check on Songbird in the Control Tower. Until then, manage your cooldowns for Health Items and grenades, and don’t be afraid to fall back if you need to heal or reload. This is the last major battle of Phantom Liberty and the Killing Moon, so give it everything you have.
Escort Songbird to the Train to End the Killing Moon

Escort Songbird to the train, using the power of the Blackwall to kill any enemies in your path. On the train, Songbird will make a confession: She’s betrayed you just like everyone else. The cure can only be used by one person, and she intended to use it the entire time, leaving you with nothing. How you respond to that news is up to you, and your choice will determine how the Killing Moon and Phantom Liberty‘s story in Dogtown ends.
Consider Your Options Carefully
Once you know what you want to do, proceed to the shuttle for the final confrontation. If you want to see both endings, it’s worth saving your game here so you can easily return. The Songbird route through Cyberpunk 2077 ends with a climactic and gutting finale. Brace yourself and enjoy.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.