A flashlight is a common item players can have in first-person shooters, but does Cyberpunk 2077 (2.0) have one for you to use? As its name implies, Night City can be very dark regarding environmental lighting, with certain parts hard to see through all the shadows. Typically, you would turn on a small light from your weapon to show your way. The light would emit from your gun, illuminating areas where you are pointing your weapon. The original version of Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t have a flashlight, but the game has been updated with Version 2.0. Does the new update include a flashlight?
Are There Flashlights in Cyberpunk 2077 (2.0)?

The 2.0 update incorporated many new features, including a new way to purchase cars and the Phantom Liberty expansion. While the original version of Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t have a flashlight, it was a mechanic players requested. Though the game is brightly lit with many beautiful neon colors, there’s also a lot of contrasting darkness in the title. Even though the street lights and bright signs offer plenty of brightness to see through Night City, it can still be difficult to navigate.
Unfortunately, there is no flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077, even after the 2.0 update. The light from a flashlight could ruin the lighting contrast in the environment, destroying the game’s atmosphere. Those neon lights and gloomy settings exist to produce a specific atmosphere, and a flashlight wouldn’t fit in with that environment.

However, you can see in the dark with certain sniper scopes. You can find a night vision scope attached to specific weapons, but you can also buy one separately at a gun store. The Kanone Max scope will help you through the dark and from large distances. You can attach it to most snipers. The night vision scope will light up your vision to be brightly green as if you’re looking through a scanner.
You can also change the Gamma Correction option to raise the brightness of your screen. The Gamma Correction is found under the Video selection in the Settings Menu.
How To Start the Phantom Liberty Expansion in Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.