If you want to take your opponents out with style in Roblox Blade Ball, you can unlock flashy new Explosions and Swords. These cosmetics can be acquired by opening Normal Crates with Coins earned by beating your enemies in competitive matches. Premium Crates with better reward rates are also available but require premium Robux currency. However, Blade Ball offers players a free and easy means of opening Crates using Case Keys.
What Is a Case Key in Blade Ball?

If you’re familiar with the Keys from the widely popular PvP shooters CS:GO or PUBG, Case Keys in Blade Ball have a similar function. You can spend a key to open a Crate without currency cost in the game’s main lobby. When one is in your inventory, the message “Open 1 Free” will appear over one of the Crates in the safe zone. Simply approach said Crate and do a gacha roll for a free cosmetic pull.
How To Get More Case Keys in Blade Ball

To get Case Keys to open Crates in Roblox Blade Ball, keep an eye on your Playtime Awards in-game. To view them, interact with the “Extra” tab with the giftbox icon in the upper-left hand of the UI. In the dropdown list, select “Playtime Awards.” The “Time Rewards” will appear, displaying your progress for each reward, one of which is a Case Key.
Do keep in mind that Playtime Awards are on a 24-hour cooldown, meaning you can’t earn more than one until a day has passed. Also, if you leave the game at any time, your progress will be reset, hence the “Resets upon rejoin” message. A funny thing to note is that Blade Ball will reward you with a Case Key even if you stand AFK in matches and the lobby. This is how we received our first key. However, please make sure you move your Roblox avatar slightly every so often; otherwise, your client might kick you from the game due to inactivity.
For a video brief of what was discussed above, we suggest checking out ItzVexo’s YouTube channel: