Using the best Johnny Cage combos in Mortal Kombat 1, you can dominate the battles with fast follow-up attacks. Cage is back in MK1, and he’s got some of the best moves ever in this new era. Lord Liu Kang has not forged his path to have his super green type of magic just yet, but still, he’s one of the best characters to use in Mortal Kombat 1. Here are some of the basic and advanced combos you can perform with Johnny Cage in MK1.
Button Mapping:
- 1: X/Square
- 2: Y/Triangle
- 3: A/X
- 4: B/Circle
Best Johnny Cage Basic Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

- Knuckle Under The Buckle: 1 – 1 – 2
- Kontacted Kick: Forward – 1 – 1 – 4
- Under The Table: Forward – 1 – 2 – 3
- Back To The Footure: Forward – 1 – 2 – 4
- Ducking On Haters: 2 – 1 – 2
- Legbanged RedemptShin: 2 – 1 – 4
- Foot Loosey Goosey: 2 – 1 – 4 – 4
- Footless: Back + 3
- Elbow Before Me: Forward + 3 – 2
- On The Chin: Forward + 3 – 2 – 1
Special Moves:
- Ball Buster: Back – Down – 1
- Show Off: Down – Back – 1
- Rising Star: Down – Back – 3
- Shadow Kick: Back – Forward – 4
- Shadow Dash: Down – Back – 3
- Throwing Shade: Forward – Down – Back – 2
- Star Meter Activation: Forward – Down – Back – 4
As you can see, Johnny Cage has a variety of moves and basic combos that are great for dealing the most damage. However, Johnny is not an easy character to master like Kung Lao. This means that in order to learn to deal 40 percent damage with Cage, you would have to have a calm mind to press many buttons one after another.
This is while Johnny has a star meter beside the amplified gauges, which is unique to this character. Once you do enough taunts by pressing down 4 times or pressing LT/L2 after you’ve hit the target with a Shadow Kick, this star power will fill up. When you’ve got your star ready, press forward – down – back – 4, and there’ll be a spotlight on Johnny’s head, hyping him to deal more damage!
Johnny Cage Advanced Combos in MK1

The Bouncer: Forward + 1 – 2 – 4 * (Dash) Back + 3 * (Dash) Forward – 1 – 2 – 4

Some of the best Johnny Cage combos start with a bounce. In fact, Johnny Cage is a bounce master! His combos end up in an overhead, making your opponent bounce and defenseless for your strike. For example, in this advanced combo, you’d need to perform a Back To The Footure to bounce the other fighter. Then, double press the forward button to dash, and perform a Footless. If you’re quick enough, you’ll then be able to perform another BTTF to finish the combo.
Double Bounce: Forward + 2 – 1 – 2 * (Dash) Back + 3 * Forward – 1 – 2 – 4

This combo is the same as the previous one, dealing nearly the same amount of damage as well. To start, simply perform a Ducking On Haters basic combo. Then, dash forward, and hit your opponent with a Footless. And in the end, finish the combo with a BTTF. These two are the bread and butter of the best advanced combos for Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 1, and if you learn them well, you can do more mixes.
Into The Shadow Kick: Forward + 2 – 1 – 2 * (Dash) Forward – 2 – 1 – 1 * (Dash) Forward – 1 * Back – Forward – 4 + RT/R2

The Shadow Kick is one of the returning special moves of Cage, which is very effective to use between combos. This special move will deal 110 damage to your opponents when amplified, and you can press LT at the end to do a taunt and fill your star gauge. However, the best you can do with this kick is to perform it as a finisher of the best Johnny Cage advanced combos in Mortal Kombat 1; just like the one you see above.
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From RedemptShin: Forward + 2 – 1 – 4 * Down – Back – 3 + RT/R2 – (Aerial) 1 – (Dash) Back + 3 * (Dash) 1 * Back – Forward – 4 + RT/R2

Train this advanced combo, and you’ll be a true Johnny Cage master in MK1. To start, you would need to do a Legbanged RedemptShin, and then add a Rising Star special move in the end. Remember to amplify the Rising Star and press the up and forward buttons with 1 to jab your opponent in the air. This will open a combo window for you to keep your opponent in the air, thus continuing to hit your moves to deal more damage. A Shadow Kick in the end will finish the combo, wiping more than 30 percent of your opponent’s HP.
The Ultimate Johnny: Forward + 2 – 1 – 4 * Down – Back – 3 + RT/R2 – (Aerial) 1 * (Dash) Forward + 3 – 4 * Forward + 3 – 2 * Back – Forward – 4 + RT/R2

And here is the best of the Johnny Cage combos so far in Mortal Kombat 1. This advanced combo is hard, and it combines many of the previous moves to reach an ultimate 40 percent damaging combo. Just like the previous combo, start off with Legbanged RedemptShin and continue with Rising Star. However, this time, you would have to do a quick dash and hit your target with a forward + 3 – 4 to keep the combo going. After that, proceed with a forward + 3 – 2, and finish the job with an amplified Shadow Kick.
You’ve got Caged! This is all the basic knowledge you would need to have about Johnny Cage and his move set in Mortal Kombat 1. There are certainly more combos that you can do with this character, but if you master these moves, you will be able to create and learn new Johnny Cage combos much faster and easier.